January  2024 67
The Resilience, Recovery and Reconnection of Media and Society


        本期專刊的出發點,就是想要從危機中尋找契機,從灰暗中尋找亮色,從絕望中尋找希望— 當然,這種尋找是基於我們的學者身分,並以知識生產的方式所實現的。為了實現這樣的目的,專刊藉助的概念是「韌性」(resilience)。「韌性」指的是個體、機構或者系統在外部衝擊之下,還能繼續保持運作、不發生崩塌的能力。從二十世紀七十年代開始,「韌性」成為了生態學、心理學等學科當中的流行概念之一,會用來研究如何幫助生態環境更好地應對污染和氣候變化等衝擊,以及如何幫助人類個體迎接各種逆境和挑戰。

        在傳播學研究中,國際傳播學會(International Communication Association, ICA)前主席Patrice M. Buzzanell 曾在她的主席演講中提出了「韌性傳播理論」(Communication Theory of Resilience, CTR),但它的主要解釋語境專指人際傳播和健康傳播,尚無法覆蓋其他領域。因此,「韌性」的概念在傳播學當中的使用還相當有限,更未形成系統化的理論框架。在這樣的背景下,本期專刊雖然以「韌性」為主題,但它更多只是劃定了一個大致的選題範圍,鼓勵學者們從自身的學術關懷和研究路徑出發,呈現多元的視野。


        從題材覆蓋的多元性方面看,本期專刊也存在一定的缺憾。例如,我們未能呈現關於新聞媒體的生存危機和信任危機的研究,也沒有關於解困新聞學(solutions journalism)這種同時展現媒體和社會韌性的研究,而且我們需要更多的比較視野。因此,我們希望本期專刊可以成為學界同仁思考「韌性」的起點,將這個話題的思索和研究繼續下去,因為人類將要面對更多、更嚴峻的挑戰,理解和提升韌性的需求將越來越迫切。


This special issue explores resilience in the face of global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate crises, and regional conflicts. While media studies should examine challenges like media distrust, disinformation, and extreme opinions, the concept of “resilience” remains relatively underexplored. This issue aims to provide a starting point for scholars to examine resilience within their own academic concerns and by following their own approaches. Although the majority of articles focus on the pandemic, they offer diverse perspectives. Some explore how plants and animals reflect and promote resilience in human society, while others analyze citizen mutual aid during lockdowns and the role of technology. Additionally, there are articles that highlight the use of social media for sharing health knowledge and providing social support. While the issue has limitations in its topical coverage, it encourages further research on resilience as humanity faces more complex challenges. Understanding and enhancing resilience will be crucial in addressing future crises.


方可成(2024)。〈傳媒與社會的韌性、修復與重新連接〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第67 期,頁v–vii。

Citation of this article:
Fang, K. (2024). The resilience, recovery and reconnection of media and society. Communication and Society, 67, v–vii.

No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
No.64  2023 April
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