July  2023 65
A Few Words from the Outgoing Editor

我非常榮幸能在2010年參加《傳播與社會學刊》編委會,並在2011年擔任學刊主編。在我擔任主編後,學刊在2013年被臺灣社會科學引文索引資料庫(Taiwan Social Science Citation Index, TSSCI)收錄為「核心期刊」,並在2015年成為國際傳播學會(International Communication Association, ICA)的附屬學刊。

《傳播與社會學刊》能夠發展成為頂尖的中文新聞傳播學術期刊,我感到非常驕傲,更充滿無限感激。我特別感謝香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院和香港浸會大學傳理學院對學刊的支持,也衷心感謝學刊編 委會同仁的努力和付出。

本期學刊是我在主編任內負責的最後一期學刊。從下一期開始,魏然教授將擔任學刊主編。魏教授學養深厚,期刊編輯經驗豐富。在魏教授帶領下,學刊將會繼續吸引全球華人學者的優質稿件,更進一 步提升學刊的品質與國際影響力。

本期學刊共刊登一篇學術對談和六篇研究論文。學術對談由龔偉亮和呂安娜訪問帕金翰教授(David Buckingham),探討數字時代的媒介素養和媒介教育。帕金翰教授認為在數字媒介盛行的時代,民眾更需要接受系統的、全面的媒介素養教育,才能具備批判理解媒介體系與運作的能力。









I was honored to serve as the editor-in-chief of Communication and Society in 2011. Under my editorship, the reputation of the journal has grown tremendously, including acceptance into the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) in 2013. In 2015, Communication and Society’s reputation received another boost by its acceptance as an affiliate journal of the International Communication Association (ICA). I am proud of the journal’s worldwide recognition among communication scholars as a leading Chinese-language journal devoted to studies of journalism and communication. As my term ends with this issue, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the journal in the past years. First and foremost, I want to thank The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University for their support. I am also sincerely thankful to all members of the journal’s editorial board for their hard work and dedication. This is my last issue as the editor-in-chief of Communication and Society. Beginning with the next issue, Prof. Ran Wei will take over as the next editor-in-chief of the journal. I believe that Prof. Wei and his editorial team will continue to attract high-quality submissions to the journal and maintain the journal’s high standards for scholarship and impact.

This issue comprises a dialogue and six research articles that cover different topics, including media literacy, online community, the relationship between intellectual influencers and nationalism, the impact of expectancy violation on corporate crisis management, the correlation structure between popularity and centrality of the similarity network, the dynamic mechanism of documentary film politics, and the relationship among misinformation exposure, the influence of presumed influence and behavioral responses. The articles collectively represent cutting-edge research in response to challenges and issues brought by new communication technologies in Greater China.





Citation of this article:

Lo, V.-H. (2023). A few words from the outgoing editor. Communication and Society, 65, v–x.


No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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