October  2024 70
研究論文Research Articles
Phone Boredom: Youth Digital Media Use in Hong Kong
作者 朱順慈
Author Donna S. C. CHU
關鍵詞 手機沉悶、青少年、媒體使用、新冠疫情、數位健康
Keywords phone boredom, youth, media use, COVID–19, digital health
摘要 2020年新冠疫情爆發,全球多地為阻止病毒傳播,實行了各種隔離措施。人們長時間在家工作或上學,數位媒體和社交媒體的使用大增,引起研究者關注,希望了解媒體使用對精神健康的影響。2022年3月初,香港因應疫情嚴峻,中小學提前放暑假。5月復課後,本研究邀請了67名介乎12至18歲的香港中學生,參與焦點訪談小組訪問。研究聚焦青少年的媒體使用及其解悶功能,發現大部分年輕人面對同一困局:他們既倚賴數位媒體解悶,卻又因長時間使用而陷入另一種沉悶。本文報告研究主要發現,並討論「手機沉悶」對「數位健康」(digital wellbeing)的影響。
Abstract This research explores how boredom is changing in an age in which smartphones provide ready access to limitless content and networking opportunities. Through ten focus group meetings with 67 young people in Hong Kong, the study asked how boredom is defined and experienced as well as what roles the media plays in alleviating or aggravating boredom. The findings revealed the paradoxical roles of smartphones, namely both the solution and the cause of boredom. Mixed emotions were identified in a vicious cycle in which bored youths turned to their smartphones, only to become anxious when they spent too much time there. Phone boredom was found to be a symptom of a wider phenomenon related to youth’s aspiration to have meaningful pursuits in life and their frustration at not being able to do so. The study calls for attention to and discussion of the inescapable polymedia environment embedded in smartphones.


Citation of this article:
Chu, D. S. C. (2024). Phone boredom: Youth digital media use in Hong Kong. Communication and Society, 70, 91–113.
No.69  2024 July
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