October  2024 70
研究論文Research Articles
From a Sense of Belonging to Prosocial Online Self-Disclosure: The Chain Mediating Effect of Fear of Missing Out and Feelings of Inferiority
作者 馬曉悅、萬婧
Author Xiaoyue MA, Jing WAN
關鍵詞 自我披露、親社會行為、互動儀式鏈、公共衛生事件、歸屬感
Keywords self-disclosure, prosocial behavior, interactive ritual chain, public health events, sense of belonging
摘要 在大流行病相關禁令解除後不久,社交媒體上迅速湧現大量來自感染者自發披露的個人病情相關信息,包括病情發展、用藥過程、情緒體驗等。這些信息既成為發佈者自身的「線上病歷」,也無意中為他人提供了信息和情感支持,帶來了親社會的效果。本研究旨在調查大流行病相關的親社會在線自我披露行為的潛在動機,基於歸屬需求理論和社會比較理論構建研究模型,借助互動儀式鏈理論框架分析歸屬感對大流行病相關的親社會在線自我披露的影響,並特別考察了錯失恐懼(fear of missing out, FoMO)和自卑感的作用。通過對481名大流行病相關在線自我披露者的線上調查發現,歸屬感推動了個體參與大流行病相關的親社會在線自我披露的互動儀式,而錯失恐懼和自卑感則作為互動儀式的兩個環節,發揮鏈式中介作用。作為突發公共事件下親社會行為的表現之一,本研究探明了大流行病相關的親社會在線自我披露的歸屬感心理動因,並創新性地發現了錯失恐懼和自卑感在突發公共事件下發揮的積極作用。
Abstract Following the lifting of pandemic-related restrictions, there was a rapid surge of voluntarily disclosed personal information on social media related to infection status, including disease progression, medication processes, and emotional experiences. These disclosures not only served as “online medical records” for the posters themselves but also inadvertently provided informational and emotional support to others who were not infected, resulting in prosocial effects. This study aims to investigate the underlying motivations for this pandemic-related prosocial online self-disclosure by drawing on both need-to-belong theory and social comparison theory. Using the framework of interactive ritual chain theory, this study analyzed the impact of the sense of belonging on prosocial online self-disclosure related to the pandemic, specifically examining the role of fear of missing out (FoMO) and feelings of inferiority. Through an online survey of 481 individuals who engaged in pandemic-related online self-disclosure, it was found that a sense of belonging propelled individuals to engage in prosocial online self-disclosure related to the pandemic, with FoMO and feelings of inferiority serving as chain mediators within the interaction ritual. As a manifestation of prosocial behavior during emergent public events, this study sheds light on the psychological motivations of a sense of belonging in pandemic-related prosocial online self-disclosure and innovatively uncovers the positive roles played by FoMO and feelings of inferiority during such events.


Citation of this article:
Ma, X., & Wan, J. (2024). From a sense of belonging to prosocial online self-disclosure: The chain mediating effect of fear of missing out and feelings of inferiority. Communication and Society, 70, 59–90.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
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