January  2024 67
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Supportive Connectivity: The Action Logic of Chinese Digital Volunteers in Response to COVID-19
作者 黃春燕、尹連根
Author Chunyan HUANG, Liangen YIN
關鍵詞 數字志願者、連結性行動、新冠肺炎疫情、互助性連結
Keywords digital volunteer, connective action, COVID-19, supportive connectivity
摘要 儘管數字志願者在應對突發災害中的重要性已經被很多研究所證實,但這一群體在中國大陸新冠肺炎疫情期間的行動邏輯尚有待闡明。對此,本文將「連結性行動」理論引入志願者研究領域,通過非參與式觀察和深度訪談的方法,考察中國數字志願者應對新冠肺炎疫情的行動邏輯,並發展出「互助性連結」的概念,以彌補連結性行動既有文獻對外部行動忽略的缺憾。研究發現,互助性連結分為內部連結和外部連結,技術作為連結的中介,串連起陌生的人們和離散的資源。個人賦予情感紐帶和自我實現的意義框架維持內部連結的運轉;外部連結邏輯則在於數字志願者將自身定位為政府基層的輔助力量,並依靠國家防疫政策、官方媒體背書和法律條文為自身行動尋找合法性,內外邏輯相互交織形成互助性連結。
Abstract Previous studies have shown the importance of digital volunteers in responding to sudden disasters, but the logic of their actions in combating COVID-19 in China remains to be clarified. This study applied the theory of connective action and conducted non-participatory observations and in-depth interviews to investigate the action logic of Chinese digital volunteers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on our findings, we put forward the concept of “supportive connectivity,” which includes both external and internal logics, in which technology acts as an agent to connect strangers and bridge diverse resources. While individuals’ meaning frameworks of emotional bonds and self-actualization served to maintain internal connections, external logic enabled them to legitimize their actions through government pandemic prevention policies, traditional media, and laws. These findings indicate that external and internal logics are strongly intertwined, thus generating supportive connectivity.


黃春燕、尹連根(2024)。〈互助性連結:中國數字志願者應對新冠肺炎疫情的網絡行動邏輯〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第67 期,頁121–155。

Citation of this article:

Huang C., & Yin, L. (2024). Supportive connectivity: The action logic of Chinese digital volunteers in response to COVID-19. Communication and Society, 67, 121–155.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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