January  2024 67
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
WeChat Groups as Social Infrastructure: A Case Study of Community Group Buying in Shanghai During the Epidemic
作者 楊涵庚、王琢玉
Author Hangeng YANG, Zhuoyu WANG
關鍵詞 社會基礎設施、新冠疫情、微信群、平台
Keywords social infrastructure, COVID-19, WeChat group, platform
摘要 社會基礎設施這一研究視角關注不同空間憑藉其自身特性、工作方式能夠孕育何種社會關係和社會資本。從這一視角出發,本文以上海疫情爆發期間的團購活動作為研究對象,關注社區微信群如何發揮社會基礎設施價值,並特別聚焦於目前我國社區社會關係淡漠、社會資本稀疏背景下的合作抗災實踐。研究發現,這些社區微信群發揮了「線上街道」的價值,幫助社區成員形成基於地域信任的弱關係來開展團購協作。弱關係中含有豐富的橋接型資本,進而提升了社區信息收集和處理能力以克服上海疫情期間「流動空間」和「地方空間」的失調。在團購實踐進程中湧現出了社區公共人物,社區成員的公共意識提升,社區中的弱勢群體更好地得到了保護。並且,藉由微信的平台屬性,微信群作為社會基礎設施在修復上海疫情中物流基礎設施的同時也推動了微信平台的基礎設施化。本文強調在數位媒介於社會各領域飽和,越發打破線上線下空間二分的背景下,研究微信群等社交媒體作為社會基礎設施在調和線上與線下空間關係方面的意義。
Abstract Research on social infrastructure focuses on the kinds of social relations and social capital nurtured by the characteristics and dynamics of diverse spaces. Based on this focus, this study explored group buying activities during the epidemic outbreak in Shanghai and focused on how community WeChat groups exemplified the value of social infrastructure, specifically the current practice of cooperation in response to disasters in the context of indifferent social relations and sparse social capital in Chinese communities. The results showed that community WeChat groups played the role of “online streets” and helped community members form weak-tie relationships based on geographical trust in collaborating to make group buying. The weak-tie relationships served to bridge capital, thus enhancing the community’s information gathering and processing capacity and reconciling the dysfunction of “space of flows” and “space of places” during the epidemic in Shanghai. Public community figures emerged from the group’s buying process, raising the public awareness of community members and better protecting vulnerable groups in the community.

Moreover, as a social infrastructure, the WeChat group contributed to the infrastructuralization of the WeChat platform while repairing the logistics infrastructure during the epidemic in Shanghai. The findings of this study indicate the significance of social media, such as WeChat groups, as a form of social infrastructure in reconciling online and offline spaces, in the context that the dichotomy between online and offline spaces is increasingly dissolved with the saturation of digital media in all spheres of society.


楊涵庚、王琢玉(2024)。〈作為社會基礎設施的社區微信群:上海疫情期間社區團購研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第67 期,頁91–120。

Citation of this article:

Yang, H., & Wang, Z. (2024). WeChat groups as social infrastructure: A case study of community group buying in Shanghai during the epidemic. Communication and Society, 67, 91–120.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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