January  2024 67
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
The Practice of Digital Storytelling about Urban Companion Animals and Changes in Social Interaction in Post-Pandemic Networking China
作者 方師師
Author Shishi FANG
關鍵詞 後疫連接、數位故事、社會交往
Keywords post-pandemic networking, digital storytelling, social interaction
摘要 本文通過分析中國大陸新冠疫情後期社交媒體上城市陪伴動物的數位故事講述實踐,來鏡像凝結在「後疫連接」中的社會交往變遷。作為一種誕生於極端且罕見壓力狀態下的應激性反應,「後疫連接」投射在動物數位故事講述上產生了與日常敘事不同的突破性實踐:通過共創故事、正義觀看與群體浮現,行動者重建了同地方之間的歸屬感,重構了線上講故事的客觀性標準,重組了關係資源進行和平行動。但是「後疫連接」是一種非常態下短暫且脆弱的互動,當外部壓力退去,其對市民社會中公民精神的成長作用還非常有限。
Abstract This study analyzed digital storytelling about urban companion animals on Chinese social media platforms during the COVID-19 lockdown in mainland China, aiming to characterize changes in social interaction as “post-pandemic networking.” As a stress response generated under extreme and rare pressure, “post-pandemic networking” differs from the daily narrative. It seeks to rebuild the sense of belonging to a place, reconstruct the objective standard of online storytelling, and reorganize resources for peaceful actions. However, the findings of this study showed that post-pandemic networking consisted of short- lived and fragile interactions under abnormal circumstances, which indicates that when external pressures are removed, the role of post-pandemic networking in promoting a civic spirit among citizens in an urban society is still limited.


方師師(2024)。〈「後疫連接」中的城市陪伴動物數位故事講述實踐與社會交往變遷〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第67 期,頁63–90。

Citation of this article:

Fang, S. (2024). The practice of digital storytelling about urban companion animals and changes in social interaction in post- pandemic networking China. Communication and Society, 67, 63–90.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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