January  2024 67
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Nature as Medium: Rethinking Communication in Quarantine During the COVID-19 Pandemic
作者 卞冬磊
Author Donglei BIAN
關鍵詞 自然、媒介、植物、居家隔離、城市
Keywords nature, media, plants, quarantine, city
摘要 「媒介」(Medium)一詞從源頭上即包含「自然」要素。在此認識論的啟發下,本文以居家隔離中的上海為例,探討「植物」所激發的種種交流實踐與社會聯結。透過社交媒體上的「窗外攝影」和「隔離日記」等材料,本文發現,居家隔離中的人們重新關注起「身邊的自然」,對其予以充分觀看、創造和觸摸。除獲得「審美」和「療癒」之外,人們還將自然與城市/社會進行「類比」,將「時間和希望」、「生命和力量」以及「自由和秩序」等認知和情感寄託在植物身上。長時間的隔離生活,讓尋常風景變得神聖。借助智能手機和社交媒體,人們拍攝、分享、轉發和評論以植物為對象的圖片,聯結了同樣處於困頓中的人群,在特殊時刻創造了一個城市的情感共同體。2022 年春天,與植物這一「非人」對象的不尋常交流,也為反思尋常的傳播研究提供了契機。
Abstract This study aimed to explore communication practices and social connections made with and through house and garden plants during the quarantine in Shanghai in the spring of 2022. The analyses of “window photography” and “quarantine diaries” posted on social media showed that people rediscovered nature by observing, creating, touching, and analogizing the plants they grew at home. Furthermore, people delighted in sharing and discussing pictures of plants posted on social media, which connected them with others who were in distress because of the quarantine. The unusual practice of communicating with or through plants in Shanghai in the spring of 2022 provides an opportunity for scholars to reflect on the meaning of communication and initiate new research.


卞冬磊(2024)。〈自然作為媒介:居家隔離中的人、植物與城市〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第67 期,頁35–62。

Citation of this article:

Bian, D. (2024). Nature as medium: Rethinking communication in quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication and Society, 67, 35–62.
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
No.64  2023 April
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