April  2024 68
研究論文Research Articles
The Role of E-Health Literacy on Protective Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Extended Protection Motivation Study
作者 肖迪、耿書培、余歡
Author Di XIAO, Shupei GENG, Huan YU
關鍵詞 線上健康素養、自我效能、保護動機、常態化疫情防控
Keywords e-health literacy, self-efficacy, protective motivation, regular epidemic prevention and control
摘要 保護動機理論是健康傳播領域用於預測和解釋風險應對行為的經典理論框架,卻因自我效能的失真和經濟理性假定的局限而備受爭議。本研究通過在武漢疫情初期對湖北以外的中部五省413名線上健康應用程式使用者的調查所得橫截面資料,基於經典保護動機框架探索新冠病毒保護動機的多重動因與決策特徵,以及主觀報告的自我效能能否反映客觀實際的線上健康素養。研究結果一定程度支持了信心與能力的互惠效應,即健康自我效能與客觀健康素養相互促進,二者皆有助於保護動機產生。威脅評估方面,用戶形成保護動機主要是擔憂感染導致的嚴重健康後果,而非感染與否本身,但這一機制會隨客觀線上健康素養提高而明顯緩和。本研究以客觀線上健康素養擴展了保護動機理論,並為今後突發公共衛生事件的早期應對提供了啟示。
Abstract By drawing on protection motivation theory (PMT) and using a cross-sectional survey, this study investigated how Chinese online health application users cognitively responded to the global public health crisis during the initial stage of the COVID-19 outbreak. The study focused on examining whether their self-efficacy was related to their literacy. The results showed that the confident respondents performed slightly better on e-health literacy tests. In addition, both self-reported and test-based literacy positively predicted protective motivation. These results indicate that the respondents’ perceptions of severity rather than susceptibility contributed to the formation of protective motivation. Compared with respondents with a higher level of actual e-health literacy, less literate respondents relied heavily on their severity perceptions to generate protective responses. The findings contribute to PMT by adding the measure of test-based e-health literacy, eliminating several types of research bias, and considering the rationality assumption of decision makers. The practical implications of the results are discussed.


Citation of this article:
Xiao, D., Geng, S., & Yu, H. (2024). The role of e-health literacy on protective responses during the COVID-19 pandemic: An extended protection motivation study. Communication and Society, 68, 155–190.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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