April  2024 68
研究論文Research Articles
Online Representation of Ethnic Groups: The Social Media Practices of an Indigenous Name-Rectification Campaign in Taiwan
作者 莊元薰、E lreng LADHOLOA
Author Yuan Hsun CHUANG, E lreng LADHOLOA
關鍵詞 原住民族運動、正名運動、社交媒體、基德勒
Keywords indigenous movements, Name-Rectification Campaign, social media, Friedrich Kittler
摘要 台灣原住民族的族群運動自八十年代興起,迄今族群數目經官方正名後增至16族,過程中因與民生議題相距較遠,大眾傳媒近乎缺席,直至近年來因數位通訊普及,原住民的媒體近用與自主發聲才得以實現。本文旨在探討社交媒體實踐對原住民族群正名的推動與影響。首先以文獻整理原住民族運動的傳媒工具使用,以及媒介技術理論視角下的族群文化研究,再針對近年積極於正名相關活動的四個族群,觀察其社交媒體實踐,並訪談部落人士,了解傳播實踐的動員策略、組織運作、外界互動、具體成效,等等。研究結果發現,此四族在族群正名相關的社交媒體實踐上偏重於「我群」的凝聚與認同,並強調文化識別的具體呈現,而對於「他者」的分辨對照、策略性形塑群體認同,以及與其他文化族群的橫向互動與連結則較缺乏積極操作。如此重情感凝聚而輕利益策略的特質,或可視為原住民媒介(indigenous media)的獨特性。近來原住民透過社交媒體自主發聲,確實成功扭轉過去任由少數人(政府或學者)決定的命運,恢復/創造並傳播了族群意象。然而族群文化復振的展現,絕非僅基於他者的凝視,亦不應為平台演算法的產物,而應是在媒介獨特性理解下的尊重與持續行動。此得來不易的「話語空間」實可「再現」族群韌力,並「在線」修復族群與自我、土地乃至社會的斷裂。
Abstract In Taiwan, indigenous movements began in the 1980s. Since then, the number of officially recognized ethnic groups has increased to 16. The Name-Rectification Campaign responds to an issue that is unrelated to people’s livelihoods and is rarely reported by mainstream media. However, in recent years, the popularity of information and communications technologies (ICTs) has enabled indigenous people to access the media and speak for themselves. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of social media on the indigenous Name-Rectification Campaign. The literature on the use of media tools in ethnic movements and media theory on ethnic issues was reviewed. Interviews of tribal leaders were conducted, and their online participation was observed. The results showed that the social media practices of the ethnic groups focused on “we-identities” and emphasized the specific presentation of cultural identity. In contrast, there was a lack of active operations and comparison of the “other”, as well as interactions with other cultural groups. The characteristics of emphasizing emotional cohesion and ignoring profit strategies may be regarded as unique to indigenous media. Indigenous people in Taiwan have spoken out independently through social media. However, ethnic culture is not the result of the gaze of others or of algorithms. This hard-won “discourse space” can represent ethnic resilience and perform the “online” repair of ruptures within society.

莊元薰、E lreng LADHOLOA(2024)。〈族群的再現與在線:台灣原住民族群正名的社交媒體實踐〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第68期,頁85–115。

Citation of this article:
Chuang, Y. H., & Ladholoa, E l. (2024). Online representation of ethnic groups: The social media practices of an indigenous name-rectification campaign in Taiwan. Communication and Society, 68, 85–115.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
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