July  2015 33
感知與媒介效果:從個人主觀真實看媒介 在民主社會中的角色
Perceptions and Media Effects: From Individuals’ Subjective Reality to Media’s Role in Democracy
作者 對談人:艾爾伯特.剛瑟(Albert C. Gunther)、假芝雲 統稿:假芝雲 翻譯:屠采擷、蔣亞隆、假芝雲
Author Discussants: Albert C. GUNTHER, Stella C. CHIA Editor: Stella C. CHIA Translator: Caixie TU, Yalong JIANG, Stella C. CHIA
摘要 「我們身處在一個主觀的世界,客觀現實也許存在,但我更有興趣知道不同的人為甚麼對同一個現實世界有不同看法,還有這些不同看法是怎麼產生的。彷彿我們每個人都有一副眼鏡,每副鏡片下反映的世界都不相同。但重要的是,我們從鏡片下看出去的世界是如此真實,不是我們可以輕易想像或被別人說服的;我們的視角可能被某些外在環境扭曲,但是我們的思考和行為都是對這個鏡片下的世界所做出的反應。」
Abstract Albert C. Gunther is one of the pioneer communication scholars who closely study people's perceptions of media influence (i.e., third-person perception and influence of presumed media influence) and media bias (i.e., hostile media perceptions). His work has received over a dozen top-paper awards at major international meetings such as those of International Communication Association and Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. In this interview, Gunther first argues that subjective perceptions of reality are often more consequential than objective reality. He then shares his research which links media communication and people's perception of reality. He points out that people's attitudes and behavior are often affected by their perceptions of media influence or perceptions of media bias. He also observes that people's perceptions of media influence and media bias may affect the role that media play in a society. Finally, Gunther indicates that there is still a lot of room for researchers to make contributions to the areas of perceived media influence and perceived media bias. He encourages researchers to further explore theoretical explanation for perceptions of media influence/media bias, provide clearer definitions for "media audience" when measuring presumed media influence, and invent delicate methods and measures to capture possible behavioral outcomes that might be brought by perceptions of media influence and media bias.


假芝雲,屠采擷,蔣亞隆(編)(2015)。〈感知與媒介效果:從個人主觀真實看媒介在民主社會中的角色〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第33 期,頁1–44。

Citation of this article:

Chia, S. C., Tu, C., & Jiang, Y. (Eds.) (2015). Perceptions and media effects: From individuals' subjective reality to media's role in democracy. Communication & Society, 33, 1–44.
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