April  2017 40
專輯序言Special Issue Preface
Communication Technology and New Media Events
作者 邱林川、陳韜文、茅知非
Author Jack Linchuan QIU, Joseph Man CHAN, Zhifei MAO
摘要 基於互聯網而發生、發展、乃至發揮重大社會影響的「新媒體事件」一直是《傳播與社會學刊》重點關注的議題。在2009年,本刊第9期就曾以「新媒體事件」為專刊。八年以後,再以「傳播科技與新媒體事件」為題,發表六篇精彩論文以饗讀者,其中有幾點意涵值得說明。






Abstract This special issue of Communication and Society consists of six articles that examine the ongoing social, technological, political, and cultural dynamics in China's Internet-facilitated media events. Following the 2009 special issue of Communication and Society on "new media events" (Issue 9), this current issue continues to interrogate questions of power, online discourse, and structures of feeling / emotions, but under new technological conditions (e.g., mobile Internet) and new institutional settings (e.g., Beijing's centralized efforts of Internet control). It breaks new grounds by deploying digital methods (e.g., data mining of Weibo), broadening the empirical scope of analysis (e.g., connecting new and old media), and developing key concepts tailored to the Chinese contexts (e.g., yuqing or public opinion under the auspices of government control) but with global relevance (e.g., "agenda diversity"). Among the 12 authors who wrote these 6 articles, 5 were graduate students currently studying in mainland China or the USA. This is an important indicator about the vitality of this research field with notable emerging scholarship. Most important, technological improvement cannot be equated with sociopolitical and institutional progress. Despite past trends of grassroots empowerment and bottom-up challenges to conventional consensus-building "media events", Chinese Internet has become increasingly dominated by traditional political-economic forces of the party-state, even to the extent that it makes sense to speak of "old" media events in online public opinion processes.


邱林川、陳韜文、茅知非(2017)。〈傳播科技與新媒體事件〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第40 期,頁27–31。

Citation of this article:

Qiu, J. L., Chan, J. M., & Mao, Z. (2017). Communication technology and new media events. Communication & Society, 40, 27–31.

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