January  2022 59
特邀論文Invited Papers
Katz’s Influence: Admiring His Academic Contributions via Citation Analysis
作者 蘇鑰機
Author Clement Y. K. SO
關鍵詞 卡茨、人際影響、傳播研究、引文分析、學者比較
Keywords Elihu Katz, personal influence, communication research, citation analysis, comparison of scholars
摘要 本文回顧伊萊休.卡茨(Elihu Katz)的生平和學術成就,介紹他的主要著作和研究領域,指出他的貢獻及學術特色。透過Google Scholar和Web of Science的引文資料,我們找出卡茨在不同年代出版的重要著作,並將卡茨和一些社會科學大師的引文數據作比較,可了解他們的異同,並分析卡茨在這群傳播學奠基人當中的位置。
Abstract This article reviews Elihu Katz’s personal life and academic achievements, introduces his major works and research areas, and points out his contributions and characteristics of his intellectual journey. Through citation data from Google Scholar and Web of Science, we can find out Katz’s major works in different time periods. Using citation data to compare the achievements of Katz and some eminent social science scholars, we are able to know their similarities and differences, and understand the position of Katz among this group of founding scholars in communication studies.


本文引用格式:蘇鑰機(2022)。〈卡茨的影響:從引文分析看他的學術貢獻〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第59 期,頁233–251。

Citation of this article: SO, C. Y. K. (2022). Katz’s influence: Admiring his academic contributions via citation analysis. Communication and Society, 59, 233–251.
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