January  2022 59
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Exchange, Information, and Power: A Social Network Analysis of the U.S. China Hands
作者 相德寶、曹春曉
Author Debao XIANG, Chunxiao CAO
關鍵詞 美國「中國通」、社交媒體、權力結構、交換網絡理論、社會網絡分析
Keywords the U.S. China Hands, social media, power structure, exchange network theory, social network analysis
摘要 「權力根源於交換」。基於交換網絡理論,本文運用社會網絡分析法對111位記者、智庫、學者和官員四種類型的美國「中國通」信息交換網絡權力結構進行考察。研究發現,(1)不同類型中國通在社交媒體Twitter上建立了緊密連接的信息資源交換網絡。相較於智庫研究員、高校學者和政府官員,記者型中國通子網絡密度最高,連接最為緊密;(2)美國中國通社交網絡呈現明顯的「核心-邊緣」結構,記者、學者型中國通多佔據核心,智庫、政府官員型中國通多位於邊緣;(3)美國中國通信息交換網絡分為三個模塊,各模塊由不同類型的中國通主導。其中,記者-學者構成的模塊佔據了整個信息交換網絡的主體。整體而言,作為新型信息交換媒介平台,社交媒體已成為美國中國通權力生成的制度性基礎,記者型美國中國通形成了當代美國中國通信息交換網絡權力優勢。
Abstract “Power stems from exchange.” Directed by Exchange Network Theory (ENT), this article adopts social network analysis to investigate the power structure of the U.S. China Hands information exchange network, which is comprised of 111 journalists, think-tankers, scholars, and officials. The results show that (1) different types of China Hands have established a tight-knit information resource exchange network on Twitter; (2) compared with thinktankers, university scholars, and government officials, journalist China Hands have formed a closely connected community and achieved the highest network density; (3) the U.S. China Hands social network presents an apparent “coreperiphery” structure, with journalists and scholars occupying the core, while think tanks and government officials are on the fringe; and (4) the information exchange network of the U.S. China Hands is divided into three modularities, which are dominated by different types of China Hands. China Hands of journalist occupy the main body of the entire information exchange network. On the whole, as a new type of media platform for information exchange, social media has become the institutional basis for the U.S. China Hands; here, journalists have gained a competitive edge of information power over other types of U.S. China Hands.



Citation of this article: Xiang, D., & Cao, C. (2022). Exchange, information, and power: A social network analysis of the U.S. China Hands. Communication and Society, 59, 119–146.
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