January  2023 63
Organizational Communication, Globalization, and Scholarly Communities
作者 對談人:辛西婭.史托爾、汪子怡、邱林川
Author Discussants: Cynthia STOHL, Ziyi WANG, Jack Linchuan QIU
摘要 「我認為學術影響力體現在這樣的時刻:一些多年前完成的作品在發表後很長時間仍引發各種意料不到的討論,就像一個能折射各類時代問題的稜鏡。」
Abstract This dialogue features Professor Cynthia Stohl, a distinguished scholar in organizational communication. Professor Stohl reflects on her academic journey into communication studies. Since her early study of a day care center, she explores the phenomenon of organizing beyond interorganizational networks and cross-cultural perspectives to studying globalization dynamics and emerging technology. Professor Stohl discusses her numerous works since 1981 that have enjoyed much academic influence, including works on memorable messages, the networks of terror and human rights networks, disciplining organizational communication, bona fide groups, et cetera. She sheds light on her views on future directions of organizational communication, especially how we understand organizations, corporate social responsibility, and the influence of new communication technology. As a former president of ICA, Professor Stohl recalls her experiences and priorities in the leadership position, including the ICA affiliate journals initiative. Lastly, she gives valuable advice to young scholars on how to carry out intercultural, interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration.


Citation of this article:
Stohl, C., Wang, Z., & Qiu, J. L. (2023). Organizational communication, globalization, and scholarly communities. Communication and Society, 63, 1–31.
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
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