April  2023 64
研究論文Research Articles
Information, Perception, and Behavior: Influential Factors and Mechanisms of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among the Chinese Population
作者 李錦輝、王晴、明偉傑
Author Jinhui LI, Qing WANG, Wai-Kit MING
關鍵詞 疫苗猶豫、社交媒體疫苗資訊、疫苗信任、新冠疫情、行動指示
Keywords vaccine hesitancy, social media vaccine information, vaccine trust, COVID-19, cues to action
摘要 新冠肺炎疫情席捲全球以來,產生了不同種類的變異毒株在全世界範圍內不斷變異,這揭示了接種疫苗的重要性,然而民眾的疫苗猶豫情緒明顯。對疫苗安全性和有效性的質疑,以及對副作用的擔憂,加之社交媒體上疫苗資訊雲龍混雜,都加深了民眾的疫苗猶豫。本研究以綜合改變模型(Integrated-Change Model)為理論框架,採用多階段抽樣,在全國省市展開問卷調查,並通過結構方程模型對1,419份問卷資料進行分析。結果顯示,社交媒體疫苗資訊和行動指示負向預測疫苗信任度,社交媒體疫苗資訊和疫苗信任度顯著負向影響疫苗猶豫,疫苗猶豫負向影響疫苗接種計劃。其中,行動指示和疫苗信任度發揮了部分中介作用。新冠疫苗猶豫的治理,可以發揮社交媒體的健康宣傳作用,規避反疫苗虛假資訊的風險;發揮醫療機構的專業領袖作用,提升民眾對疫苗的信心和信任,清除感知障礙,從而提高新冠疫苗接種率,以應對日益複雜的新冠肺炎疫情。
Abstract Since the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the world, a variety of mutated strains have continued to spread, thereby underlining the importance of vaccination. However, many people hesitate to be vaccinated. Questions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, concerns about side effects, and a mix of vaccine information on social media have exacerbated vaccine hesitation. Applying the Integrated-Change Model as the theoretical framework, this study used multistage sampling to conduct a questionnaire survey in provinces and cities across the country. Data collected from 1,419 questionnaires were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model. The results showed that social media vaccine information and action indicators negatively predicted vaccine trust, social media vaccine information and vaccine trust significantly and negatively affected vaccine hesitation, and vaccine hesitation negatively affected vaccination plans. Among these, action directives and vaccine trust played partial mediating roles. The governance of COVID-19 vaccine hesitation can activate the health promotion function of social media, avoid the risk of anti-vaccine misinformation, enhance the professional leading role of medical institutions, increase public confidence and trust in vaccines, and remove perceived barriers, thereby increasing the COVID-19 vaccination rate in response to the increasingly complex COVID-19 epidemic.


Citation of this article:
Li, J., Wang, Q., & Ming, W.-K. (2023). Information, perception, and behavior: Influential factors and mechanisms of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the Chinese population. Communication and Society, 64, 95–128.
No.69  2024 July
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