April  2023 64
研究論文Research Articles
Symbiosis and Consensus: Media Practice of Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Cooperative Parenting in Urban Middle-Class Families
作者 安利利、李美儀
Author Lili AN, Meiyi LI
關鍵詞 數字媒介、婆媳合作育兒、城市中產家庭
Keywords digital media, cooperative parenting between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, urban middle class family
摘要 數字媒介正日漸成為深度參與婆媳合作育兒的重要中介,形塑著現代新型婆媳倫理關係與家庭權力格局。本研究以「共生」和「契洽」這對社會學概念為理論分析框架,運用扎根理論分析方法,旨在探討數字媒介在婆媳合作育兒實踐的過程中如何發揮「流動的」階段性作用。研究發現,在合作育兒初期,數字媒介激發與擴大婆媳雙方在數字身份構建、育兒知識獲取、認知與運用、育兒消費理念與行為等方面的代溝,並由此生發出網際空間的權力對抗和線下衝突格局,形成功能互補的「共生」張力。隨著合作育兒進程的發展,數字媒介逐漸成為緩和代際關係,促進婆媳代際觀念協商與調和的重要因素,催生了家庭共同體的強化與權力結構的調整,完成了代際間「契洽」關係的建構。現代代際合作育兒的圖景正在被媒介影響與書寫。
Abstract Digital media is increasingly becoming an important intermediary deeply involved in the cooperative parenting of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is shaping a modern new ethical relationship between them and the family power structure. With the help of the sociological theoretical frameworks of symbiosis and consensus, this study aims to explore how digital media play a staged role in the process of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cooperative parenting practices. The study found that in the early days of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cooperative parenting, digital media activated and expanded the generation gap between the two parties in the construction of digital identity, the acquisition, cognition, and application of parenting knowledge, and the concept and behavior of parenting consumption. The conflict pattern forms a “symbiotic relationship” with complementary functions between different roles. With the development of the cooperative parenting process, digital media has gradually become an important factor in easing intergenerational relations, promoting the negotiation and reconciliation of intergenerational concepts of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law construction. The picture of modern intergenerational cooperative parenting is being shaped and constructed by the media.


Citation of this article:
An, L., & Li, M. (2023). Symbiosis and consensus: Media practice of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cooperative parenting in urban middle-class families. Communication and Society, 64, 129–159.
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