April  2023 64
研究論文Research Articles
Relationship, Situation, and Governance Reform: A Study on the Process of Communication and Interaction between the State and the Countryside Society in a Village-Level WeChat Group in Western Hunan
作者 向青平
Author Qingping XIANG
關鍵詞 鄉村治理、國家—社會、科層制、日常生活、公共領域
Keywords rural governance, state-society, bureaucracy, everyday life, public sphere
摘要 本文運用網絡民族誌、深度訪談等方法對湘西為民群中國家與鄉村社會的溝通互動進行研究。研究發現:基於國家與鄉村社會關係,微信群構建了「社會化社區」,也是作為跨科層制的虛擬治理場景。通過微信群,村民的治理參與日常生活化。互聯網將公共空間和私人空間融為一體,日常生活轉向非日常生活。國家通過在微信群滲透到鄉村社會,媒介亦是國家的延伸。鄉村社會形成「表達—回應—溝通」治理機制,鄉村社會治理從「體制性遲鈍」轉向「體制性敏感」。在扁平化的信息流動結構中,代理人權力受到制約。本文提出「鄉村網絡微觀公共領域」概念,其形成的是權威偏向的混合溝通機制。國家與鄉村社會溝通互動模式是透視中國鄉村社會治理的主要脈絡。本研究有助於回應中國鄉村社會治理模式的變化,也有助於反思數位化時代的國家與鄉村社會關係。基於田野經驗材料,本研究提出「鄉村網絡微觀公共領域」或促進中國鄉村社會治理理論的建構。
Abstract This article applies network ethnography and in-depth interviews to study the communication and interactions between the state and rural society among members of the “Weimin” WeChat group from Western Hunan. The results showed that, based on the relationship between the state and rural society, the WeChat group has built a “socialized community” that is also a virtual governance scenario across bureaucracies. Through such WeChat groups, villagers can participate in governance in their daily lives. The Internet integrates public and private spaces, and spontaneously, daily life becomes nondaily life. The country permeates the countryside through the WeChat group, and the media is an extension of the state. The findings of this study indicate that rural society has formed a governance mechanism of “expression-responsecommunication,” and rural social governance has changed from being “institutionally insensitive” to “institutionally sensitive.” In a flat information flow structure, the power of the agent is restricted. This article proposes the concept of an “online village micro-public space,” which is an authority-biased hybrid communication mechanism. The mode of communication and interactions between the state and rural society is the main vehicle for rural social governance in our country. This study responds to changes in the mode of rural social governance in China and helps to reflect on the relationship between the state and rural society in the digital age. Based on the results of the fieldwork, this study proposes an “online village micro-public space” and promotes the construction of a rural governance theory in the Chinese context.


Citation of this article:
Xiang, Q. (2023). Relationship, situation, and governance reform: A study on the process of communication and interaction between the state and the countryside society in a village-level WeChat group in western Hunan. Communication and Society, 64, 161–205.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
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