July  2023 65
研究論文Research Articles
Effects of Perceived Expectancy Violations of Corporate Crisis Management and Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies on Attitudes Toward the Corporate Sector
作者 簡廷恩、李秀珠、陳德玲
Author Ting-En JIAN, Shu-Chu Sarrina LI, Te-Lin CHEN
關鍵詞 企業社會責任、危機後、危機期間、危機應對策略、違反預期理論
Keywords corporate social responsibility, post-crisis, crisis, crisis response strategies, Expectancy Violation Theory
摘要 本研究的第一個研究目的是以「違反預期理論」(Expectancy Violation Theory, EVT)檢視社會大眾對於企業的違反預期程度在危機 中對企業態度及企業購買意圖的影響。危機被解決之後,本研究提出 兩種不同類型契合度之企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)策略,第二個研究目的是檢視企業—善因契合度及消費者—善 因契合度的CSR活動,對企業態度及購買意圖的影響。

Abstract This study applied Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT) as the theoretical framework to first examine the relationships between individuals’ perceived degrees of expectancy violations and their attitudes and behavioral intentions toward the corporate sector during a crisis. The second objective of this study was to examine the relationships between various corporate social responsibility strategies and their effects on individuals’ attitudes and behavioral intentions toward corporations. In particular, consumer skepticism was examined to determine its relationship with various corporate social responsibility strategies. An online experimental design with five conditions was used to collect the data for this study. A total of 617 valid samples were collected during the online experiment. The results showed that expectancy violation was positively associated with individual perceived uncertainty regarding the corporate sector and that perceived degrees of violation were negatively associated with individual behavioral intentions regarding corporations. Furthermore, a high consumer and causal fit campaign was found to promote positive attitudes and behavioral intentions toward the corporate sector compared with the four other campaigns.


Citation of this article:
Jian, T.-E., Li, S.-C. S., & Chen, T.-L. (2023). Effects of perceived expectancy violations of corporate crisis management and corporate social responsibility strategies on attitudes toward the corporate sector. Communication and Society, 65, 93–124.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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