October  2023 66
研究論文Research Articles
突發事件中的數字賦能、社會秩序與社會活力 —以上海T社區為例
Digital Empowerment, Social Order, and Social Vitality in Emergencies: A Case Study of the Shanghai T Community
作者 林升棟、顧玉玲、普非拉
Author Shengdong LIN, Yuling GU, Feila PU
關鍵詞 自組織、社區團購、數字賦能、社會秩序、社會活力
Keywords self-organization, community group purchase, digital empowerment, social order, social vitality
摘要 社會治理是以人民為中心的治理。現階段中國大陸社區自組織能力還有待發展。在重大突發事件中,如何發揮社區自組織的活力,同時又在中國共產黨和中國政府的領導下保證社會秩序的穩定,對於實現「人人有責、人人盡責、人人享有」的社會治理願景至關重要。以2022年3至5月上海封控期間T社區為例,本文勾勒出作為一種自組織的社區團購的興起與發展、其所帶來的社會活力,以及政府、市場和自組織共建的社會秩序。這一過程中,互聯網全方位賦能,貫穿始終,成為形塑社會治理的基礎性力量。
Abstract Social governance is people-centered. At this stage, the community’s self-organization ability on the Chinese mainland requires further development. In major emergencies, fostering the vitality of community self-organizations while ensuring the stability of the social order under the leadership of the CPC and the Chinese government is crucial to realizing the social governance vision that everyone assumes and enjoys their responsibilities. In this paper, the T community during the Shanghai lockdown from March to May 2022 is used as an example to examine the emergence and development of a community group as a form of self-organization, the social vitality it fosters, and the social order, which is jointly constructed by the government, the market, and self-organizations. In this process, the Internet has become a fundamental force that shapes social governance through community empowerment.

林升棟、顧玉玲、普非拉(2023)。〈突發事件中的數字賦能、社會秩序與社會 活力 —以上海T社區為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第66期,頁135–164。

Citation of this article:
Lin, S., Gu, Y., & Pu, F. (2023). Digital empowerment, social order, and social vitality in emergencies: A case study of the Shanghai T community. Communication and Society, 66, 135–164.
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