January  2020 51
Development of Communication Theories and Practices in Chinese Societies in the Age of Globalization






          The effects of globalization have overcome the barriers formed by differences, such as nationality, language, culture, and ethnicity. It has absorbed individuals, organizations, and industries into its phenomenal flow, which has affected nearly every facet of human life from the movement of capital, information, and technologies among countries to contextual representations of the dynamic balance between globalization and localization. Globalization has also affected interpretations in different schools of thought about issues within the same field of study. Therefore, a variety of topics are worth exploring in the globalization process. We will discuss several of them in this issue.

In Academic Dialogue, Professor Shoemaker shares her experiences in theory development, revealing notable implications for Chinese communication researchers and those who wish to contribute to the increasingly globalized study of communications.

Lu and fellow researchers contribute to health and family communication in their article on the in-depth interviews they conducted with Chinese women caregivers of cancer patients, deriving meaningful implications from the standpoint of Chinese society.

In addition to the uniqueness of Chinese society, especially in communication theory and practice, we should not neglect either the integration or the confrontation with global economic and cultural elements, both of which have farreaching implications. Dai proposes a connectivity view on the localization of global entertainment, analyzing TV program formats in Mainland China from a power mechanism perspective based on field research and in-depth interviews. Liu discusses Chinese womens identity and dual marginalization in the globalization of heavy metal music.

In their article, Chou and Chiang study the combined characteristics of Chinese and Western communication by exploring negative campaign advertisements in Taiwan.





Citation of this article:

Huang, Y.-H. C. (2020). Development of communication theories and practices in Chinese societies in the age of globalization. Communication & Society, 51, vviii.


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