January  2020 51
研究論文Research Articles
在地「連結」:模式節目引入階段的權力博弈—— 基於燦星製作的田野調研
A “Connectivity” View on the Localization: The Power Game in the Introduction of the TV Format
作者 戴穎潔
Author Yingjie DAI
關鍵詞 模式、引入、權力、全球、地方
Keywords TV formats, introduction, power, global, local
摘要 文章以權力博弈為切入視角,依賴田野調研方法,結合深度訪談資料,分析模式節目引入階段涉及的動力機制以及彼此間的競爭互動關係。研究發現,全球依靠地方來實踐,代表全球化力量的模式方通過「全球在地化」策略進軍中國市場;而生產方、平台方、廣告商等地方性力量,也充分利用全球化進程為自身利益服務。並且,地方也不是單一和同質化的,內部存在對立與衝突。模式引入前、研判時、談判中這三個階段,涵蓋了政治、經濟、文化、技術四大動力機制,以及模式方、製作方、國家權力部門、播出平台、廣告商等多元權力主體的競爭互動。政治是最重要的考慮因素,並且和其他動力機制形成同謀,共同制約模式引入的形態。調研結果不僅折射了全球與地方間的互動關係,有力駁斥了文化帝國主義流派的「主導—服從」二元對立模式,而且也彰顯了地方的能動性以及內部諸多張力的存在。
Abstract From the power game perspective, and relying on field research methods combined with in-depth interview data, this paper analyzes the dynamic mechanism involved in the introduction of the TV format. The study found that the globe depends on local practice: the copyright party has to adopt global localization to realize the expansion of the market, while producers, platforms, advertisers, and other local forces make full use of globalization to maximize their own interests. Meanwhile, the place is not single or homogeneous, as there are internal conflicts. Furthermore, the introduction of the TV format is divided into three stages—preparation, study and determine, and negotiation—and covers political, economic, cultural, technical, and other forms of power. Political power is the most important consideration, allying with economic, cultural and technological power, and restricting the introduction of the pattern. The results of this study not only reflect the interaction between global and local entities, but also refute the school of cultural imperialism that follows the “lead–obey” binary mode. The results also reveal local initiative and the existence of internal tension.



Citation of this article:

Dai, Y. (2020). A “connectivity” view on the localization: The power game in the introduction of the TV format. Communication & Society, 51, 75–105.
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