January  2021 55
研究論文Research Articles
News Production, Routine, and Uncertainty during Natural Disasters: Disaster News-Making by Business Media in Taiwan
作者 張春炎
Author Chunyen CHANG
關鍵詞 不確定性、新聞勞動、新聞專業、新聞產製常規
Keywords uncertainty, news production and labor, news routine
摘要 本文旨在探討台灣反覆出現的一項傳播現象:台灣媒體的災難報導問題,為何反覆出現而不見改善?本研究藉由新聞工作者的角度出發,深度訪談23位實際參與重大災難採訪報導的電視新聞工作者,歸納分析電視新聞工作者在災難新聞產製過程所經驗到的各類不確定性,由此說明其為何無法「尋常規」、按部就班、默契分工完成具品質的災難新聞。另一方面,當既有的台灣電視新聞業尋常地仰賴常規來保持新聞產出品質,卻又在面對重大災難情境發生時,無法讓新聞工作者尋常作業。最終因台灣新聞產製常規缺乏有效反思與調整,也導致了專業品質不足的災難新聞會反覆地、如常出現。因此本研究在結論提出建議:面對層出不窮的災難新聞報導問題,應該更聚焦探討如何建議臨機應變機制和知識工具,使新聞工作者具備因應各類型災難、不確定的專業能力。
Abstract This study focuses on the effects of uncertainty on news routines during disaster situations. Using the case study method and a qualitative approach, we first explore the concepts of news routines in disaster situations. Second, we examine 23 news workers’ experiences of reporting disaster news. This research findings showed that the news workers faced a variety of uncertainties and suffered poor working conditions during natural disasters, and they could not perform their jobs well in following news routines. Based on these findings, we conclude that in examining the issue of disaster news coverage, researchers should focus on increasing journalists’ ability to respond to various types of uncertainties in disaster situations.



Citation of this article:

Chang, C. Y. (2021). News production, routine, and uncertainty during natural disasters: disaster news-making by business media in Taiwan. Communication and Society, 55, 93–126.
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