April  2023 64
Health Communication and Transdisciplinary Research in the Post-Pandemic Era
作者 對談人:桑迪.史密斯、石靜遠
Author Discussants: Sandi W. SMITH, Jingyuan SHI
摘要 「每當我捫心自問,作為傳播學者,怎樣才能為在跨學科研究的領域佔一席之地做好準備,就會意識到其實我們已經做了能夠做的。現在只需要發揮我們在傳播學理論、方法和傳播宣導過程等方面的知識,以及運用我們的專業技能為其他領域的專家進行關於傳播學各方面的培訓。我們對信息的關注點在學術界也是十分獨特的,而我們的跨學科研究亦已頗有成效。」
Abstract This dialogue features Professor Sandi W. Smith, who is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University (MSU), a world-renowned professor of health communication, and an International Communication Association (ICA) fellow. Professor Smith first shares her views on how the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed health communication research. She also highlights the importance of transdisciplinary research in the post-pandemic era and how communication scholars could contribute their expertise to it. In the end, she offers suggestions to junior communication scholars for engaging in transdisciplinary research.


Citation of this article:
Smith, S. W., & Shi, J. (2023). Health communication and transdisciplinary research in the post-pandemic era. Communication and Society, 64, 1–28.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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