October  2024 70
A Multidimensional Intellectual Landscape



        心理健康是健康的重要一環。社會心理學也是傳播研究的基本學理脈絡之一。在當今智能手機與網路媒體的環境中,人們如何滿足內心的歸屬需求?如何進行自我表露?錯失恐懼(fear of missing out, FoMO)在此過程中起何作用?其結果怎樣影響個體的自卑感、沉悶感、幸福感?這些心理機制在新科技與社會變遷過程中引發新現象、新問題,也為傳播與媒體研究提出新挑戰、提供新資源。



        健康、心理、話語、權力 —四條紅線相互交織,將一幅多維且豐富的學術圖景呈現給學刊讀者們。

This issue comprises four themes: health, phycological processes, discourse, and power. How do media content and media use influence human health? This classic question has become even more pronounced in the post-COVID era. The research focus should not just be on individual health. Researchers must pay more attention to communal health, including online, taking mental health also into account as a component of overall health. Social psychology is also a major tradition in communication studies. In today’s media environment, how do people fulfil their needs for belonging and self-disclosure? How do such factors impact individuals’ feelings of inferiority, dullness, and happiness? These psychological mechanisms trigger new problems while creating new academic opportunities. Discourse is a way for humans to express themselves and serves as a framework for perceiving the world. In the cacophony of digital media, we must consider: do marginalized groups really have more opportunities to be seen, heard, and respected? We must consider issues of power as reflected through platform governance issues and the fundamental question of building media studies through a more inclusive paradigm. Health, psychology, discourse, and power—these four elements are interwoven to present an intellectual landscape that is multidimensional and robust.




Citation of this article:
Qiu, J. L. (2024). A multidimensional intellectual landscape. Communication and Society, 70, v–viii.

No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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