


We are happy to inform you that the 71st issue of Communication and Society has been released.

Platforms and their development trajectories are deeply embedded in the societies where they operate and interact with various social actors. Scholars, more recently, have advocated for multiplying or provincializing platform studies by attending to how platformization unfolds in different institutional contexts. This special issue brings together six articles addressing the “platformization of Chinese societies” through different theoretical approaches and empirical case studies. The collection of articles considers platformization as a dynamic process that shapes and is shaped by political authorities, platform firms, cultural production, workers, non-governmental organizations, and legal regulations in various ways. This special issue aims to contribute to platform studies by deepening situated knowledge about Chinese platformization.



《傳播與社會學刊》將於2025年1月1日開始啟用ScholarOne投稿審稿系統 (https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/comsoc),以方便各位作者投稿,並協助各位評審委員和編輯委員管理稿件。


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Communication and Society will implement the ScholarOne system from January 1, 2025

Communication and Society will implement the ScholarOne submission and review system from January 1, 2025, to facilitate manuscript management for our readers and reviewers. Here is the submission website: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/comsoc.

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The email submission option will remain available for four more months. You may still submit your manuscripts via email to the journal's address (comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk). However, for easier manuscript management in the future, we recommend that you start using the ScholarOne system to submit your papers as soon as possible. The email submission option will be closed on May 1, 2025.

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Communication and Society will implement the ScholarOne submission and review system from January 1, 2025, to facilitate manuscript management for our readers and reviewers. The details will be announced on the journal's website (https://www.cschinese.com/news.asp) on December 30, 2024.



本期《傳播與社會學刊》主要涉及四個主題:健康、心理、話語、權力。 傳媒內容與媒體使用如何影響人的健康?此經典命題在後疫情時代更加凸顯。新舊形態社群與健康之關係,乃傳播與社會研究必須重視的議題。心理健康是健康的重要一環。社會心理學也是傳播研究的基本學理脈絡之一。在當今智能手機與網路媒體的環境中,人們如何滿足內心的歸屬需求?如何進行自我表露?錯失恐懼在此過程中起何作用?其結果怎樣影響個體的自卑感、沉悶感、幸福感?這些心理機制在新科技與社會變遷過程中引發新現象、新問題,也為傳播與媒體研究提出新挑戰、提供新資源。話語是人類表達自我的方式,也是人類感知世界的框架。權力影響話語實踐。但沒有話語架構,權力也無處棲身。這體現在針對社群媒體或新聞平台的政策論述。 健康、心理、話語、權力 —四條紅線相互交織,將一幅多維且豐富的學術圖景呈現給學刊讀者們。


We are happy to inform you that the 70th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

This issue comprises four themes: health, phycological processes, discourse, and power. How do media content and media use influence human health? This classic question has become even more pronounced in the post-COVID era. The research focus should not just be on individual health. Researchers must pay more attention to communal health, including online, taking mental health also into account as a component of overall health. Social psychology is also a major tradition in communication studies. In today’s media environment, how do people fulfil their needs for belonging and self-disclosure? How do such factors impact individuals’ feelings of inferiority, dullness, and happiness? These psychological mechanisms trigger new problems while creating new academic opportunities. Discourse is a way for humans to express themselves and serves as a framework for perceiving the world. In the cacophony of digital media, we must consider: do marginalized groups really have more opportunities to be seen, heard, and respected? We must consider issues of power as reflected through platform governance issues and the fundamental question of building media studies through a more inclusive paradigm. Health, psychology, discourse, and power—these four elements are interwoven to present an intellectual landscape that is multidimensional and robust.





人工智能作為潛在的「社會行為者」(social actor),逐漸變得更加情境感知化、類人化與社交化,正在模糊人際互動與人機溝通之間的界限。個性化和自適應技術的進步,使得人工智能系統能夠精確地識別並回應個體需求,進一步提升人機交互的效率與效果。隨著人工智能角色的日益多樣化,從工具性角色到教師、合作夥伴甚至伴侶,其在傳播學中的定位也面臨著全新的機遇與挑戰。這不僅引發了對人機關係的重新定義,還為傳播理論提供了豐富的研究空間。例如,人工智能憑藉其對大數據的處理能力,已超越了傳統的「輔助工具」角色,成為具有自主決策與學習能力的協作者,其未來發展對人類社會的深刻影響亟待探討。



1. 人工智能對傳播學的挑戰與創新
2. 人工智能與新聞業的未來發展
3. 人工智能對社交媒體互動的影響
4. 人工智能與沉浸式媒體體驗
5. 人工智能驅動傳播中的倫理與道德挑戰
6. 人工智能與心理健康研究
7. 公??人工智能的認知與使用行為
8. 人機協作與社會公益
9. 人工智能時代的新型人機關係
10. 人工智能技術對傳播理論與方法的結合與創新
11. 其他人工智能與傳播學相關的主題

1. 本專刊面向對上述專題感興趣的華人學者公開徵稿,職位與居住地不限。
2. 截稿日期:請於2025年3月31日前將稿件寄送至本刊電子郵箱comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk。
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4. 稿件字數:稿件字數應在12,000至18,000字。
5. 審稿流程:所有投稿論文將會先經過本刊編委會初審,通過初審的稿件將會送交外審,初審及第一輪審稿週期約為2-3個月。
6. 本刊謝絕一稿多投。






• 社交媒體與心理健康(well-being)
• 社交媒體的個人與社會效果
• 社交媒體與新聞
• 社交媒體與娛樂
• 社交媒體治理與政策
• 社交媒體與假訊息
• 社交媒體與行銷
• 社交媒體與資料計算科學
• 社交媒體與傳播科技
• 社交媒體與人機互動
• 其他與社交媒體的相關議題

1. 本專刊面向對上述專題感興趣的華人學者公開徵稿,職位與居住地不限。
2. 截稿日期:請於2024年12月31日前將稿件寄送至本刊電子郵箱
3. 稿件格式:稿件需以中文撰寫(繁簡體不限)。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文標題;(2)中英文摘要;(3)中英文關鍵字;(4)正文;(5)參考文獻。所有稿件需附上作者姓名、所屬機構及職銜和電子郵箱。請嚴格按照本刊的論文體例及格式撰寫論文,詳情可瀏覽:http://www.cschinese.com/submission03.asp。
4. 稿件字數:稿件字數應在12,000至18,000字。
5. 審稿流程:所有投稿論文將會先經過本刊編委會初審,通過初審的稿件將會送交外審,初審及第一輪審稿週期約為2–3個月。
6. 本刊謝絕一稿多投






We are happy to inform you that the 69th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

Communication research is a diverse discipline that encompasses various academic fields and has practical applications in real life. Ideally, research in this field emphasizes the integration of theory and practice to address real-world issues while developing generalizable theories to guide practices. Purely studying a specific real-world case is worthy, but such an approach often results in applied or policy research, which may lack systematization and reflexivity. On the other hand, purely theoretical research can become idiosyncratic and detached from reality. Communication and Society has always emphasized empirical research with theoretical sophistication. The articles in this issue reflect this philosophy. As Shuhua Zhou points out in the academic dialogue in this issue, “truly important research requires different levels of abstraction.”









1. 人工智能對科學傳播過程、技術和內容的影響(人工智能賦能科學傳播的機制研究/人工智能在科學傳播中的應用與前景)
2. 人工智能和開放科學背景下的知識生產
3. 人工智能、公眾科學素養與科學參與
4. 人工智能的科技倫理、風險挑戰與社會治理
5. 人工智能在生命科學等前沿領域的應用與傳播
6. 公眾對人工智能技術的認知、態度與使用
7. 智能人機交互與說服科技(Persuasion Technologies)
8. 人工智能技術對科學傳播理論與方法的創新
9. 其他人工智能與科學傳播相關主題

1. 本專刊面向對上述專題感興趣的華人學者公開徵稿,職位與居住地不限。
2. 截稿日期:請於2024年12月1日前將稿件寄送至本刊電子郵箱comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk
3. 稿件格式:稿件需以中文撰寫(繁簡體不限)。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文標題;(2)中英文摘要;(3)中英文關鍵字;(4)正文;(5)參考文獻。所有稿件需附上作者姓名、所屬機構及職銜和電子郵箱。
4. 稿件字數:稿件字數應在12,000至18,000字。
5. 審稿流程:所有投稿論文將經過嚴格的同行匿名評審,第一輪審稿週期約為2-3個月。




本期學刊共刊登六篇研究論文和一則學術對談,內容包括短視頻如何調節新生代農民工的政治認同和網絡政治參與;社交媒體實踐與族群的再現;網絡多模態時空耦合對謠言信息的聚合與泛化影響;線上健康素養與行為選擇;凡人英雄主義的肖像生產與宣傳;以及中國大陸傳播學核心研究者的結構與特點。學術對談則是與《電腦與人類行為》(Computers in Human Behavior)的主編Matthieu Guitton教授和高級編輯鍾布教授討論公眾對人工智能認知。六篇論文各有旨趣,就像我們的學科各攻其專,但它們都論述清晰,有相當的學術價值。Guitton和鍾布教授的對談為當前熱點人工智能提供了非常好的洞見,是了解科技傳播領域的絕好機會,歡迎廣大讀者一同閱覽。


We are happy to inform you that the 68th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

Stakeholders in communication have long debated whether it is a field or a discipline. We believe it is still a field, with much of its theories and methodologies growing out of other established disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and other social sciences and humanities. However, the importance of communication in academia and society is undeniable, as it has permeated all facets of our lives and our research, including health, science, politics, computing, and even engineering. However, much still needs to be done to grow the field. The collection of articles in this issue serves as a good reminder but also as an encouragement that we are making concerted efforts, as its topics run the gamut, from online political participation and farmer’s identification, visual display of heroism during the pandemic, social media participation and group formation, health literary and behavior choices, dissemination of rumor, and a profiling study of communication researchers in mainland China. The academic dialogue on AI development with two editors of an interdisciplinary journal offers much insight that foretells opportunities for our growth as well.





We are happy to inform you that the 67th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

This special issue explores resilience in the face of global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate crises, and regional conflicts. While media studies should examine challenges like media distrust, disinformation, and extreme opinions, the concept of resilience remains relatively underexplored. This issue aims to provide a starting point for scholars to examine resilience within their own academic concerns and following their own approaches. Although the majority of articles focus on the pandemic, they offer diverse perspectives. Some explore how plants and animals reflect and promote resilience in human society, while others analyze citizen mutual aid during lockdowns and the role of technology. Additionally, articles highlight the use of social media for sharing health knowledge and providing social support. While the issue has limitations in its topical coverage, it encourages further research on resilience as humanity faces more complex challenges. Understanding and enhancing resilience will be crucial in addressing future crises.






We are happy to inform you that the 66th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

The rise of social media and digital platforms not only changes the entire communication process but also carries a new and transformative role for society with real social and economic impacts. The papers in this special issue examine the role of social media and platforms during social crises. Social media could serve as a mobilizing and organizing arm for communities to enhance governance, but they can also trigger crises and damage brand images if they are used in an improper and non-strategical way. The studies also underscore the empowerment role of social media and platforms for specific populations, namely the elderly and women, in society. Included also in this issue is a unique academic dialogue with ChatGPT: two scholars provided critical readings of the Q&A and suggested ways of embracing generative AI in aiding communication research.



本期學刊共刊登一篇學術對談和六篇研究論文。學術對談由龔偉亮和呂安娜訪問帕金翰教授(David Buckingham),探討數字時代的媒介素養和媒介教育。帕金翰教授認為在數字媒介盛行的時代,民眾更需要接受系統的、全面的媒介素養教育,才能具備批判理解媒介體系與運作的能力。這六篇論文在選題、理論、研究方法上都各有特點,不僅拓展現有的理論,也提出實用建議,因此對中文傳播學術研究具有相當貢獻,值得細讀。


We are happy to inform you that the 65th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

This issue comprises a dialogue and six research articles that cover different topics, including media literacy, online community, the relationship between intellectual influencers and nationalism, the impact of expectancy violation on corporate crisis management, the correlation structure between popularity and centrality of the similarity network, the dynamic mechanism of documentary film politics, and the relationship among misinformation exposure, the influence of presumed influence and behavioral responses. The articles collectively represent cutting-edge research in response to challenges and issues brought by new communication technologies in Greater China.





We are happy to inform you that the 64th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

Communication studies has always been a field with diverse perspectives. Through the shared interest in “media” communication scholars scrutinize conflicts and developments in society, and complex power relations among stakeholders. Interdisciplinary research is not uncommon in communication studies. By collaborating and contending with scholars from different fields, new perspectives on media and social relations have been vigorously generated. This issue features five research articles, one communication forum, and a dialogue. From diverse perspectives with various methods, we hope to explore with our readers the impact of media on contemporary society and its potential for change.





1. 台灣民眾選擇性暴露,特別是政黨選擇性暴露,的成因、程度與影響。
2. 同質與異質人際政治討論的動機與影響。
3. 社群媒體、即時通訊、影音分享平台等新興數位媒體促進還是減緩政治極化?
4. 數位媒體的出現,改變了政治人物與民眾間溝通互動的方式,是否在個人層面影響態度的形成與變項。
5. 數位媒體提供多樣化的公民與政治參與,在民主政治與選舉中扮演的角色為何。
6. 面對數位媒體上藏有特定政治意圖的訊息,民眾是否有足夠的素養解讀。或出現過度修正、將所有媒體上的訊息皆視為不可信的現象。
7. 網路上出現酸言與攻擊等不文明言論,是否使民眾產生疏離與冷感,導致政治興趣降低,最後傷害政治信任與政治參與意願。
8. 假新聞的接收與散播,促成的因素與對社會的負面影響為何。
9. 其它與「傳播與公民社會」相關的議題。


1. 凡對上述訪問專題有興趣且積極參與學術研究之華語學者,職位與居住地不拘,均歡迎投稿。
2. 請於2023 年8月31日前提交15,000 至18,000字左右的中文論文。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文題目、(2)中英文摘要,(3)每位作者的姓名、所屬機構、地址、電話和電郵地址。請用電郵發送論文給本刊投稿郵箱(comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk)。
3. 請嚴格按照本刊的論文體例及格式撰寫論文,詳情可瀏覽http://www.cschinese.com/postmatter/index.php。
4. 來稿將會先經過本刊編委會初審,順利通過初審的稿件將會送交外審。
5. 本刊特別重視論文理論與方法的原創性,謝絕一稿多投。





We are happy to inform you that the 63rd issue of Communication and Society has been released.

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned into a global public health crisis since its outbreak was reported in late 2019. The pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of everything—people are increasingly dependent on digital media to stay informed, to manage their daily lives under lockdowns, and to take actions to prevent the spread of the disease. The fight to control the pandemic through digitalization was complicated by a tsunami of indodemic (a massive spread of misleading and factually incorrect information about COVID-19--WHO) on popular social media platforms. A number of pressing questions arise: What is the role of digital media in communicating/miscommunicating the COVID-19 pandemic? What is the diffusion pattern of the information concerning COVID-19 online and offline, on digital and traditional media? What impacts does infodemic have on people’s information acquisition, risk perceptions and attitudes towards vaccination? The seven articles in the special issue addressed these questions from different perspective; they provide timely, diverse and theoretical insights into people’s digitalized life under the pandemic.





We are happy to inform you that the 62nd issue of Communication and Society has been released.

The prevalence of social media is revolutionizing our daily life. The free flow of information has made its acquisition and sharing more convenient than ever before. People use social media to build and maintain relationships with others. Meanwhile, new problems arise as mis- and disinformation create public misunderstanding of scientific issues and opinion polarization tears the society further apart. This issue features the ICA annual bilingual paper by Prof. Ran Wei and his colleagues, a dialogue with Prof. Mike Schäfer on science communication, and five outstanding research articles. These works cover a wide variety of topics taking place on or influenced by social media, including COVID-19 misinformation and public perception, collective mourning, user self-representation via multiple accounts, protection of cultural products’ creativity, organization reputation management, and advancements in strategic communication. They bring to our attention some of the major challenges communication scholars and our society are facing, and chart out the directions in future research.





We are happy to inform you that the 61st issue of Communication and Society has been released.

This issue features a dialogue with Dr. Shyam Sundar, an expert on human-computer interaction who has developed several theories that depict how interface features affect user psychology. He shares how his interdisciplinary background has helped shape his development in academia and his insights on how this field has developed in recent years. This issue also includes six research articles, each examining an interesting topic. Two articles delve into narratives. Two articles investigate social movements in Hong Kong. The other two articles address health and environmental issues. Together, the insightful dialogue and research articles will make this issue inspiring for readers.







• 新聞媒體行業的商業危機、信任危機、人才危機等挑戰及出路
• 解困式新聞(solutions journalism)的理論與實踐
• 以連接社?(community)為理念的媒體形態
• 在修復社會的背景之下,對媒體功能和新聞範式的再思考
• 媒體行動主義(media activism)的新角色和新形式
• 短視頻、podcast、newsletter等新近流行的媒介在社會修復的過程中扮演的不同角色
• 如何讓社交媒體對心理健康產生正面影響
• 如何對抗網絡噴子(trolls)等惡意角色對輿論生態的破壞
• 互聯網平台企業在修復與重建社會中的作用
• 與降低極化、促進溝通、增加理解與共情相關的創新案例
• 媒體在反思人類中心主義,與自然、生物的連接中的角色
• 其它與「傳媒與社會的韌性、修復與重新連接」相關的議題



1. 凡對上述訪問專題有興趣且積極參與學術研究之華語學者,職位與居住地不拘,均歡迎投稿。
2. 請於2023年2月1日前提交15,000至18,000字左右的中文論文。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文題目、(2)中英文摘要,(3)每位作者的姓名、所屬機構、地址、電話和電郵地址。請用電郵發送論文給本刊投稿郵箱(comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk)。
3. 請嚴格按照本刊的論文體例及格式撰寫論文,詳情可瀏覽http://www.cschinese.com/postmatter/index.php。
4. 來稿將會先經過本刊編委會初審,順利通過初審的稿件將會送交外審,評審時間約2-3個月。
5. 本刊特別重視論文理論與方法的原創性,謝絕一稿多投。



《傳播與社會學刊》是本院中華傳媒與比較傳播研究中心與香港浸會大學傳理與影視學院媒介與傳播研究中心合辦的中文學術期刊,於2006年創刊,2010年成為「臺灣社會科學引文索引核心期刊 (TSSCI)」收錄期刊。2015年學刊成為「國際傳播學會(International Communication Association) 」附屬學刊。


學刊旨在鼓勵原創性的傳播理論探索並發表原創及優秀的研究成果、為兩岸三地及海外華文傳播研究者提供知性探討的平台、宣導跨學科傳播學研究並促進華語傳播學術主體的發展。目前學刊每年刊行四期,每年亦會策劃一期緊扣研究熱點的專輯。學刊為開放近用(Open Access)學術期刊,所有內容均可於學刊網站(www.cschinese.com)免費下載。





We are happy to inform you that the 60th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

Two months ago, in the third year of the Covid-19 pandemic, an unexpected war between Russia and Ukraine broke out. We therefore feel that it is no longer possible to enjoy peaceful daily lives. If our community is prepared for unexpected developments, and if everyone is dedicated to their duty and justice, we can probably minimize the damage caused by this unexpected development. There is no doubt that academia also needs to take responsibility. Scholars, including communication researchers, can investigate reasons, explore rules, construct theories, and make suggestions for policy makers regarding emerging social and political issues. It is crucial that scholars point out key questions about issues concerning matters pertaining not only to politics and economics, but also to daily life. Hence, scholars must maintain a broad perspective based on a solid foundation of knowledge. All six articles published in this issue address key questions in our daily lives from the perspective of communication. In addition, we invited the editors of four SSCI journals to guide readers through the process of journal publication, which is another aspect of the daily lives of scholars.

過去三十年間,數字媒體興起、而且日新月異。新的媒體形式帶來了新的研究問題,也提供了新的研究數據。數字媒體會自動地儲存用戶的內容、行為、關係等數據。越來越多的研究開始使用這類數據來探索人類社會中政治、經濟、文化、健康等各種問題。為了應對這些數據帶來的機遇與挑戰,計算社會科學(Computational Social Science)應運而生。計算社會科學在研究設計、數據處理、模型建構等方面已有許多有益嘗試。同時,一些新的質化研究方法也被運用到相應研究中,諸如數字人類學、批判算法研究等。本刊收錄的六篇文章從不同側面反映了數字媒體不僅為傳播學研究提供豐富的數據資源,而且促進了新的研究方法和技術的發展。
We are happy to inform you that the 59th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

The growing popularity of digital media platforms in the past 30 years has provided rich data for social science research. Meanwhile, dealing with largescale digital data facilitates the emergence of computational social science and other alternative methods, such as critical algorithm studies. In this special issue, we collected 6 articles to demonstrate how digital media could be used as data and methods in communication research. These articles collected data from Facebook, Twitter, discussion forums, and other news websites to explore the agenda dynamics in the recent Taiwan election, protests in Hong Kong, the role of social bots in agenda-setting, and information exchange between China experts on Twitter. In addition, this issue also presents examples of using digital archives and developing new computational methods. In this issue, we invited Prof. Chingching Chang and Prof. Yi-Hui Christine Huang to discuss the transformation and mutation in research careers. We also published three invited articles in memory of Prof. Elihu Katz.





We are happy to inform you that the 58th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

As an effort to expand the communication studies frontier, this issue contains five research articles and one ICA annual bilingual paper. They demonstrate the solid research process in studying the societal changes and media/communication logic from a wide array of conceptual frameworks and through various methodologies. The bilingual research paper on the influence of news on perception and prevention practices of Covid-19 by Americans not only well exemplifies the enriching trend of the third person effect theory in the pandemic contexts, but also is meaningful to a wide range of fields, such as the crisis communication; whereas the study on TV mediated quasi-interaction reveals the values of renewing debates on traditional media for its affordability to prompt more social interactions. In “Dialogue” section, two distinguished scholars in health communication, Prof. Thompson and Prof. Dutta share their insights and experiences in theory development and Asian imaginaries of health communication studies.


 國際傳播學會(International Communication Association)附屬學刊聯合徵稿


在上述背景之下,國際傳播學會(ICA)的三本附屬學刊Studies in Communication and Media (德國)、《傳播與社會學刊》(香港)及Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication(法國)聯合發起專刊徵稿,探討新冠疫情中傳播和傳媒所扮演的角色。我們歡迎傳播學所有分支領域進行有關新冠疫情的探討,包括但不限於(1)傳播者研究;(2)傳播資訊研究;(3)媒介/資訊使用、接受或處理;(4)傳播效果研究。我們歡迎所有理論研究、實證研究、方法論及倫理研究的論文。
1. 作者需提交論文全文至任何一本國際傳播學會(ICA)附屬學刊,請勿同時投稿至三本附屬學刊。
2. 論文可採用英文或學刊所使用的語言。所有論文請按照所投稿學刊的論文體例撰寫,投稿將會按照學刊規定經過匿名評審。投稿須知及論文體例請參見學刊網站:
• Studies in Communication and Media (德國): https://www.scm.nomos.de/en/
• 《傳播與社會學刊》(香港): http://www.cschinese.com/
• Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication(法國): https://journals.openedition.org/rfsic/?lang=en
3. 作者請於2021年12月1日以前提交論文全文,評審結果將於2022年3月30日以前通知作者。論文被接受的作者將有機會在2022年5月於巴黎舉辦的國際傳播學會年會上報告其論文(如受時間限制,附屬學刊將有權選取報告論文)。
Studies in Communication and Media (德國)主編
Matthias Hastall, Merja Marth, Andreas Scheu, Kerstin Thummes, Thomas Zerback


Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication(法國)主編
Mélanie Bourdaa


新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 疫情在2019年底爆發後,很快擴散至世界各國。這是人類歷史上第一次大規模使用數字技術與社交媒體來幫助民眾了解、對抗疫情,防止病毒擴散。從居家辦公、網上教學、直播電商、平台外賣、社交媒體獲取資訊到健康碼的推行、跨境人員的管控,新冠疫情正在將人們生活的方方面面推向數字化 (digitalization)。 

與此同時,我們所依賴的信息科技正在催生和擴大一場「信息流行病」(infodemics);這種信息流行病不僅干擾與威脅新冠疫情的管控,也對民眾的認知與防疫行為造成困惑。信息流行病指線上和線下的信息過量, 這些信息通常在抗疫信息中夾雜著虛假和不實的成份(mis, dis and mal-information),藉助手機、社交媒體和互聯網等信息技術快速傳播。如病毒一樣,「信息流行病」會引起公眾的困惑,恐慌與不信任,使一般民眾難以在需要時找到可靠的消息與指引,不僅對新冠疫情的管控帶來巨大挑戰,也影響民眾對疫情的認知與預防行為。此外,不論是管理新冠疫情還是信息流行病,華人社會與西方社會採用了不同的措施與路徑;這些路徑如何被不同的政治、經濟、文化因素所形塑?又對抗疫帶來怎樣的後果與影響, 都是值得深思與探討的重要議題。

·         新冠疫情、媒體與數字化生活、心理健康
·         新冠疫情、疫苗生產、接種與地緣政治
·         新冠疫情大流行的演變、管控方式、政治與傳播體制
·         主流/傳統媒體在新冠疫情報導、風險認知、預防和應對中的角色
·         新冠疫情中不實信息的界定、來源、主題、分類、核查與應對
·         新冠疫情中不實信息在線上、線下、新舊媒體中的傳播與擴散模式,KOL以及影響
·         信息流行病、污名與仇恨言論
·         信息流行病、危機管理與對公共衛生專家、政府信任
·         信息流行病在不同社會中傳播模式之比較研究
·         大數據與信息流行病研究的方法創新和挑戰
·         其它與「新冠疫情、傳播與媒體」相關的議題
1. 凡對上述訪問專題有興趣且積極參與學術研究之華語學者,職位與居住地不拘,均歡迎投稿。 
2. 請於2022年3月31日前提交15,000至18,000字左右的中文論文。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文題目、(2)中英文摘要,(3)每位作者的姓名、所屬機構、地址、電話和電郵地址。請用電郵發送論文給本刊投稿郵箱(comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk)。
3. 請嚴格按照本刊的論文體例及格式撰寫論文,詳情可瀏覽http://www.cschinese.com/postmatter/index.php。
4. 來稿將會先經過本刊編委會初審,順利通過初審的稿件將會送交外審,評審時間約2-3個月。
5. 本刊特別重視論文理論與方法的原創性,謝絕一稿多投。


We are happy to inform you that the 57th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

Communication studies have long been interested in discussing gender issues. The growing area of gender and communication studies is interdisciplinary, drawing from theoretical developments and empirical innovations not only from communications and gender studies, respectively, but also from sociology, anthropology, political science, psychology, literary studies, among others. Gender and communication studies have yielded fruitful knowledge that influences academic discussion, popular culture, and everyday politics. This special issue, as an edited collection of seven articles presented in the “Gender and Media” workshop held by the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was born to, first, address the challenges brought by media technologies to understand gender phenomenon in broader Chinese-speaking societies, and, second, highlight the uniqueness of social-cultural and political contexts of media and communication studies in these societies that would further stimulate situational knowledge production.





We are happy to inform you that the 56th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

Articles of this issue reflect a wide variety of communication research traditions, using quantitative and/or qualitative methods, to examine topics from news-making to social media, science communication to digital labor, public relations to gender and media. One thread connecting all articles is the factor of technology, broadly defined to include not only social media technology but also biotech and technologies used by special groups such as police communication systems. Another thread is the question of culture, shaped by official discourse, contentious events, as well as corporate innovations. However, who controls technology and the directions of cultural transformation? Who benefit from it? Is it always the traditional elite? Or the new elite of Big Tech? Or ordinary citizens? Answering these questions entails an analysis of power. While some believe in the empowerment effects of technology at the grassroots, the dominant trend in recent years is the growing prowess of governments and corporations in “manufacturing consent” through legal, PR, and algorithmic instruments.

《傳播與社會學刊》兩位編輯委員名列全球Top 2% Scientist

近日美國斯坦福大學John Ioannidis教授及研究團隊公佈全球Top 2% Scientist。《傳播與社會學刊》兩位編輯委員位列其中,他們是台灣政治大學張卿卿教授及香港中文大學魏然教授。此外,傳播與媒體研究領域上榜的華人學者還包括本刊發行人香港中文大學李立峰教授、香港樹仁大學梁永熾教授、美國賓夕法尼亞大學楊國斌教授及美國康涅狄格大學Carolyn Lin教授。我們恭喜上述學者被選為全球Top 2%科學家。

過去三十年間,數字媒體興起、而且日新月異。新的媒體形式帶來了新的研究問題,也提供了新的研究數據。數字媒體會自動地儲存用戶的內容、行為、關係等數據。越來越多的研究開始使用這類數據來探索人類社會中政治、經濟、文化、健康等各種問題。為了應對這些數據帶來的機遇與挑戰,計算社會科學(computational social science)應運而生。計算社會科學在研究設計、數據處理、模型建構等方面已有許多有益嘗試。同時,一些新的質化研究方法也被運用到相應研究中,諸如數字人類學、批判算法研究等。
  • 政治傳播。數字媒體數據如何被應用到輿論監測和研究中;社交媒體是否可以預測選舉;網絡水軍在不同政治體制下有何作用;網絡數據如何運用來研究社會抗爭和社會運動。
  • 健康傳播。社交媒體與流行病預測與防治;地理空間流動數據與人口流動;數字媒體如何監測心理疾病;數字媒體使用與社會心態。
  • 數字人文。數字媒體如何被用於文化研究;文化如何被測量;算法如何改變人們的思維和價值觀;網絡社區文化如何形成及改變。
  • 數字經濟與計算廣告。數字媒體數據如何預測整體經濟狀況,如何改變固有經濟模式;數字媒體對廣告行業的衝擊,如何改善廣告投放和效果。
  • 謠言與假新聞。數字媒體如何促進謠言與假新聞的研究;謠言與假新聞在數字媒體上如何生產、擴散、產生何種效果等。
  • 數字媒體數據的特徵、抽樣、獲取、處理、建模、可視化等方法類文章。
  • 其它與數字媒體作為數據和方法相關的研究。
1. 凡對上述訪問專題有興趣且積極參與學術研究之華語學者,職位與居住地不拘,均歡迎投稿。
2. 請於2021年7月31日前提交15,000至18,000字左右的中文論文。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文題目、(2)中英文摘要,(3)每位作者的姓名、所屬機構、地址、電話和電郵地址。請用電郵發送論文給本刊執行編輯程曉萱 (comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk)。
3. 請嚴格按照本刊的論文體例及格式撰寫論文,詳情可瀏覽http://www.cschinese.com/postmatter/index.php
4. 來稿將會先經過本刊編委會初審,順利通過初審的稿件將會送交外審,評審時間約2-3個月。
5. 本刊謝絕一稿多投。

We are happy to inform you that the 55th issue of Communication and Society has been released.

Academic research is about contributing to knowledge, which brings clarity to concepts, and subsequently, theories. Clarity can only come with certainty and the reduction of uncertainty. Inquiry starts with a question and concept explication, which bring the concept into focus and eliminate any ambiguity. When we design a study, collect data, look at patterns, build theories, and test them, we are gathering conclusive evidence to explain and predict something with certainty. This issue contains several manuscripts, which invariably demonstrates how certainty is ascertained, from news dissemination in a crisis to third-person effects in fake news; from Internet news consumption correlating to political trust, to Internet reading activities building social capital; from image construction of a historical figure, to concern of image leading to more information disclosure from grandparents. Though methods vary, they are either trying to arrive at certainty or exploring paths to reduce uncertainty.  



























































媒體可信度研究: 起源,發展,機會和挑戰










本期學刊刊登題為《社交媒體與公私界限》的專輯。公與私的邊界在哪裡?隨著社交媒體的發展,公與私的界限不斷變動,並對個人與社會產生了不同層面的影響。社交媒體的結構與形態持續的變化,結合興起的移動設備和不同的數位可供性,幫助人們拓寬人脈、增加交流、促進信息共享。不過當用戶享受社交網絡的多元功能時,他們大量的個人數據及其他電子足跡也留存在社交媒體及網絡中,產生新的傳播問題。社交媒體的公共性「publicness」(Baym & Boyd, 2012, p. 320)提供了新的社交機會,改變了人們對「公」、「私」的定義,並影響了個人的使用行為、人際的互動、媒體內容的再框架以及公私論述的流動。本專刊收錄的六篇文章從不同理論觀點與研究方法來探討公與私的界限在新媒體環境下的演變,以及其如何影響個人隱私行為、信息交流和公共話語與議題的形塑。本期學刊邀請詹寧斯.布萊恩特教授與周樹華教授對談媒體效果和育人效益。本年度的ICA雙語論文欄目刊登了帕梅拉.休梅克教授與韓綱教授的論文《超級把關人:社交媒體時代的把關》。 
We are happy to inform you that the 54th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

Social media platforms have continually reshaped their architecture, integrating mobile devices and different affordances to offer new opportunities to expand personal networks, interact with others, and share information. This has led to evolving boundaries between public and private. While receiving benefits from a variety of uses, users also encounter different risks given that rich repositories of personal data are stored. Navigating “socially mediated publicness” has become an ever-changing process that affects how users define the boundary of public and private and influences users’ behaviors and social interaction. Social media also serves as a channel that reframes media and news content and as a platform that facilitates exchange between private and public discourse. This special issue features six articles addressing the changing dynamic of publicness on social media and its relationship to the contemporary communication ecology. It is intended to facilitate understanding of the blurry boundary between public and private and its impact in various realms. In this issue, we invited Prof. Jennings Bryant and Prof. Shuhua Zhou to discuss media effects and people effects. We also published a bilingual article entitled The Supra-Gatekeepers: Gatekeeping in the Age of Social Media by Prof. Pamela J. Shoemaker and Prof. Gang (Kevin) HAN.




  • 性別與傳媒的在地理論:如何建構理論研究大中華乃至亞洲地區獨特的性別傳播現象?如何在具體研究基礎上進一步擴展現有的理論?如何與現有理論進行對話?如何理解性別傳播研究中的「西方話語霸權」?
  • 傳播者、傳播內容及受眾是性別與傳播研究最經典的三個研究領域,其關心的問題主要環繞傳播媒介工作者的性別角色與性別在傳媒中如何再現?受眾如何理解媒介呈現的性別角色?在多元化的傳播環境中,傳播者和受眾角色漸趨模糊,這種趨勢如何影響性別的媒體再現與媒體效果?
  • 社會運動和反彈:數字媒體提供了廣闊的動員平台。近幾年#MeToo等標籤運動「hashtag activism」如火如荼,反性騷擾運動得到了學界和公眾的熱烈關注和討論,也引來保守勢力反彈及仇恨言論,社會大眾如何看待這些現象?媒體的報導對公民社會、法治倫理及受眾的認知與態度可能產生那些影響?
  • 性別、階級、種族等議題的相關研究:從黑人女權主義者同時爭取種族平等和性別平等開始,性別、階級、種族的交叉性研究思路、方法論與實踐便對性別與傳媒研究有深遠影響。這些議題涉及的具體研究問題相當廣泛,包括媒介如何報導女權運動和性平權運動、女性勞工運動問題等。
  • 其他性別、傳媒相關課題。

1. 凡對上述訪問專題有興趣且積極參與學術研究之華語學者,職位與居住地不拘,均歡迎投稿。
2. 請於2020年5月30日前提交15,000至18,000字左右的中文論文。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文題目、(2)中英文摘要,以及(3)每位作者的姓名、所屬機構、地址、電話和電郵地址。請用電郵發送論文給本刊執行編輯程曉萱 (comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk)。
3. 請嚴格按照本刊的論文體例及格式撰寫論文,詳情可瀏覽http://www.cschinese.com/postmatter/index.php。
4. 來稿將會先經過本刊編委會初審,順利通過初審的稿件將會送交外審,評審時間約2-3個月。5. 本刊謝絕一稿多投。 




We are happy to inform you that the 51st issue of Communication & Society has been released.

The effects of globalization have overcome the barriers formed by differences, such as nationality, language, culture, and ethnicity. It has absorbed individuals, organizations, and industries into its phenomenal flow, which has affected nearly every facet of human life from the movement of capital, information, and technologies among countries to contextual representations of the dynamic balance between globalization and localization. Globalization has also affected interpretations in different schools of thought about issues within the same field of study. Therefore, a variety of topics are worth exploring in the globalization process. Four research articles are published in this issue. In “Academic Dialogue,” Professor Shoemaker shares her experiences in theory development, revealing notable implications for Chinese communication researchers and those who wish to contribute to the increasingly globalized study of communications. 




1. 身份建構與人際關係:社交媒介是建構個人身份的重要場所。公、私界限的改變影響人們在社交媒體上的自我呈現以及社交行為。社交媒體的公共性「publicness」不僅提供了新的社交機會,也改變了人們對「公」、「私」的定義。不斷變化的公、私界限如何影響人們在社交媒介上的身份建構?社交媒體的公共性會對人際關係的建構與維持產生何種影響?社交媒體變動的公、私界限是否會讓家庭關係和親密關係產生不同的互動方式?
2. 科技監測、數據與生活:社交媒體改變了人們相互連結與交流的方式。隨著網絡社交行為不斷增長,越來越多的個人數據被創造、收集並使用於不同領域。近年來,移動設備的興起(如:可穿戴式設備,健身健康應用軟件)使社交媒體的使用終端從電腦移到了手機上。它不僅成為記錄生活、監測生活的方式,也模糊了工作與休閒的界限。在工作學習時,閱讀闖入的訊息、閱覽社交媒體頁面成了每個人的生活常態。社交媒體成為生活中的重要部分,它們如何重塑並整合工作與休閒之間的關係?社交媒體如何收集、使用與分享大量可被識別的個人訊息?個人、企業和政府又會採用何種策略和措施來管理或使用個人數據?
3. 公共話語、信息流動與公民參與:從公共領域的視角來看,社交媒介為人們提供了開放討論、瞭解社會和參與政治的平台,但也對社會的極化現象「polarization」產生潛在影響。公、私界限的改變如何影響社交媒体上政治信息的分享與討論?在何種情況下,社交媒體的信息流動與網絡結構特徵能夠促進不同意識形態之間的交流與對話?

1. 凡對上述訪問專題有興趣且積極參與學術研究之華語學者,職位與居住地不拘,均歡迎投稿。
2. 請於2019年8月30日前提交15,000至18,000字左右的中文論文。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文題目、(2)中英文摘要,以及(3)每位作者的姓名、所屬機構、地址、電話和電郵地址。請用電郵發送論文給本刊執行編輯程曉萱 (comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk)。
3. 請嚴格按照本刊的論文體例及格式撰寫論文,詳情可瀏覽:http://www.cschinese.com/postmatter/index.php
4. 來稿將會先經過本刊編委會初審,順利通過初審的稿件將會送交外審,評審時間約2-3個月。
5. 本刊謝絕一稿多投。



《傳播與社會學刊》被台灣科技部科技部人文社會科學研究中心評為「台灣社會科學引文索引核心期刊 (TSSCI)」一級核心期刊。

《傳播與社會學刊》是香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院和香港浸會大學傳理學院合辦的中文學術期刊,於2006年12月創刊,目前每年刊行四期。創刊主編為本院陳韜文教授,現任主編為本院羅文輝教授。學刊為「台灣社會科學引文索引核心期刊 (TSSCI)」收錄的期刊,亦是「國際傳播學會(International Communication Association) 」附屬學刊,在華文學術群體具有廣泛的影響力。




在過去數十年,隨著社會、政治,和經濟的全球化以及交通系統的持續發展,人們越來越需要──亦越來越容易──在不同地方之間穿梭往來。移動或流動成為社會生活的常態。同時,通訊和傳播媒體一方面容許人們能夠足不出戶而知天下事,但實際效果卻往往是增加了移動的需要和誘因,就像在互聯網上看得多世界各地的風光,可能會增加到那些地方旅遊的意欲,又例如通訊科技容許更多跨國合作項目,於是帶來更多到外地洽談和工幹的需要和機會。在這背景之下,社會學家John Urry及其合作者在約十幾年前開始提倡社會科學研究應走向「新移動範式」(new mobilities paradigm)。


We are happy to inform you that the 47th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

The advancement of global communication technologies, which allow people to communicate across long distance without physical travelling, has paradoxically contributed to higher and higher levels of physical mobility in social life. People are constantly “on the move.” This has driven some sociologists to call for a new mobilities paradigm in social research. As communication researchers shifted attention from the mass communication system to mobile devices and the Internet of things, there is a need for scholars to pay closer attention on how the movement of people in physical space and various communication technologies are intertwined to configuration contemporary social life. This special issue features seven articles addressing the relationship between “media on the move” and “people on the move” from various angles and interrogate into how mobilities influence interpersonal relationships, labor conditions, and leisure activities. The aim of the special issue is to put the problematic of “mobilities” under the spotlight and stimulate scholarly interests in it.



We are happy to inform you that the 45th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

This issue features six interesting articles that address important communication phenomena. Four characteristics effectively describe all the articles in this issue. First, they all result from the authors’ insightful observations of current communication events. Second, the investigations cover a broad spectrum of media, including online and offline channels. Third, these articles rely on a wide variety of research methods to support their investigations. Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, all these contributions build on strong theoretical frameworks. All together, they help advance the development of communication knowledge.



We are happy to inform you that the 44th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

Computation communication research is a new approach to communication studies. The emergence and development of internet make online life more and more important. Digital trace becomes one of the major data sources. Traditional data collection and data analysis methods are not efficient and accurate enough. Therefore, we need to introduce new research methods. In this issue, we invite Prof. Jonathan J. H. Zhu, a leading scholar in computational communication research, to have a dialogue on this hot topic. He introduces the origins, theories, and methods and discusses the research questions of computational communication research. The Dialogue deserves our reading, thinking and citing. In addition, this issue also includes six research articles covering various issues in communication studies. The authors are from mainland China, Taiwan and UK.








We are happy to inform you that the 43rd issue of Communication & Society has been released. 

How do digital technologies change media industries, especially the news industry? How should public and corporate policymakers use appropriate ways to regulate change and balance the interests of various parties? This foreword summarizes and introduces the 43rd issue of Communication and Society along the lines of digital media impact and policy debates based on a range of studies in Singapore, Taiwan, mainland China, and the USA. It also raises question about gender equality in not only academic publication but also citation practices. After all, it is the quality of scholarship that matters the most. And this special issue of Communication and Society includes high-quality dialogue and top-notch research that deserve our reading, thinking, and citing. The Dialogue of this issue is conducted by Lokman Tsui and Oscar Gandy, discussing the issues on personal data protection, privacy and surveillance.

本期的八篇文章在不同程度上反映了對傳統理論的傳承與改良或對新傳播概念的發掘。有些是檢測傳統理論在新傳播環境中的適用性,譬如對議題設置的思考、對意見領袖的解讀、對政治參與的測量、官方和非官方的話語策略,以及政治糗聞的新研究。有些是對新的傳播環境提出新的思考,譬如真實與虛擬的社會支持、傳播政治經濟學的新概念,和紀錄片的世界主義重構。本期的學術對談由黃懿慧教授邀請佛羅里達大學Wayne Wanta教授討論議題設置理論。本期亦刊登了周樹華等學者撰寫的年度雙語論文,他們利用社會學的「期望違背」理論研究前人基本上沒有系統涉獵的政治糗聞(political gaffe)。

We are happy to inform you that the 42nd issue of Communication & Society has been released.

The best research always revolves around theory, whether it is toward theory building or about theory testing. However, with today’s ever changing media landscape, one has to wrestle between the old and the new: assumptions may have changed and circumstances may be entirely different. Papers in this issue are almost without exception reflecting this reality: testing established theories with a new set of variables or proposing new concepts befitting a new situation. As a result, we have on the one hand rumination on agenda setting, opinion leaders in social media, political efficacy and news exposure, rhetorical strategies in times of crisis, and political gaffes in elections. On the other, we are also treated to provoking concepts such as virtual social support, political economy of communication, and cosmopolitanism. This issue serves as a testament that research helps to crystalize the utilities of old and new theories and it ultimately advances our knowledge.





We are happy to inform you that the 41st issue of Communication & Society has been released. 

The 41st issue of Communication and Society presents an academic dialogue and seven articles that explore intercultural communication, the transformation of new and traditional media, and ideas that arise from media convergence. The main themes of this issue include the following topics: reflection on Chinese communication studies, exploration of novel research perspectives and topics in new media studies, diversification of studied populations and phenomenon, and the introduction of interdisciplinary theories.

The gist of Chinese communication research centers on the following questions (Huang, 2012): what is the major research orientation of Chinese communication studies? Should Chinese communication studies construct global theory or resolve meaningful, local problems? How are the worldviews, theoretical assumptions, and research methods of Chinese communication similar to or different from Western research paradigms?

The Communication Forum raises inspirational arguments. As Xu and Huang stated, Chinese communication studies lack theoretical breakthroughs that are rooted in Chinese culture. Both Xu and Huang encourage Chinese communication scholars to “return to the past” (by reflecting on history and culture), “sustain commonality while striving for uniqueness” (by systematically analyzing global communication studies and by selectively learning from and applying these insights), and “to focus on the present” (by conducting research on specific phenomenon through a researcher’s lens in order to expand knowledge in new directions).

In this issue, three research papers investigate specific incidents related to new media, and another two papers borrow theories from other disciplines, such as psychology and philosophy, to bring new insights to this field. The final two studies explore a “people-oriented” research approach. All seven articles echo the theoretical call.


基於互聯網而發生、發展、乃至發揮重大社會影響的「新媒體事件」一直是《傳播與社會學刊》重點關注的議題。在2009年,本刊第9期就曾以「新媒體事件」為專刊。八年以後,再以「傳播科技與新媒體事件」為題,發表六篇精彩論文以饗讀者。六篇文章在理論、方法及反思中國現實等多重意義上都有其獨特的學術價值。本期學術對談由亨利? 詹金斯教授與張琳進行,他們探討了《文本盜獵者》與中國粉絲文化研究的相關議題。
We are happy to inform you that the 40th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

This special issue of Communication and Society consists of six articles that examine the ongoing social, technological, political, and cultural dynamics in China’s Internet-facilitated media events. Following the 2009 special issue of Communication and Society on “new media events” (Issue 9), this current issue continues to interrogate questions of power, online discourse, and structures of feeling / emotions, but under new technological conditions (e.g., mobile Internet) and new institutional settings (e.g., Beijing’s centralized efforts of Internet control). It breaks new grounds by deploying digital methods (e.g., data mining of Weibo), broadening the empirical scope of analysis (e.g., connecting new and old media), and developing key concepts tailored to the Chinese contexts (e.g., yuqing or public opinion under the auspices of government control) but with global relevance (e.g., “agenda diversity”). Among the 12 authors who wrote these 6 articles, 5 were graduate students currently studying in mainland China or the USA. This is an important indicator about the vitality of this research field with notable emerging scholarship. Most important, technological improvement cannot be equated with sociopolitical and institutional progress. Despite past trends of grassroots empowerment and bottom-up challenges to conventional consensus-building “media events”, Chinese Internet has become increasingly dominated by traditional political-economic forces of the party-state, even to the extent that it makes sense to speak of “old” media events in online public opinion processes.

本期《傳播與社會學刊》邀請了德國慕尼黑大學傳播研究與媒介研究中心主任托馬斯·漢尼馳教授(Prof. Thomas Hanitzsch)進行學術對談,對談圍繞「和平新聞」與「新聞文化」這兩個熱門議題展開。托馬斯·漢尼馳教授也分享了他在研究新聞業、新聞記者及進行全球比較研究過程中的心得。本期傳播論壇刊載黃懿慧的《從比較視角論述中國公共關係學科發展之正當性》,論文旨在「借鏡美國發展進程,探討中國大陸公共關係學科定位,並對未來學術研究提出展望」。此外,本期學刊亦刊登六篇研究論文,主題覆蓋廣泛,提供了多元的比較文化視角。
We are happy to inform you that the 39th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

This issue includes six research articles which cover different topics such as science communication, television studies, social capital, social media and journalism education. For the Dialogue, we invited Prof. Thomas Hanitzsch from LMU Munich, Germany to share his academic trajectory and perspectives and experiences on comparative research and journalism studies. The Communication Forum in this issue is written by Prof. Christine Yi-Hui Huang. Prof. Huang employed a comparative perspective and discussed the disciplinary legitimacy of public relation in mainland China.


《傳播與社會學刊》於2006 年12月創刊,到今年12月出刊將滿十年。過去十年,學刊從一份新興的學術期刊,不斷成長茁壯,目前已經發展成為全球頂尖的中文新聞傳播學刊。在2013 年和2015年,《傳播與社會學刊》先後成為「台灣社會科學引文索引核心期刊」(TSSCI)收錄期刊及「國際傳播學會」(International Communication Association)附屬學刊。


本期刊登的五篇學術論文,有四篇集中討論公共關係相關課題,最後一篇是李立?教授的「《傳播與社會學刊》年度雙語論文」。本期學術對談由美國斯坦福大學社會心理學教授馬克·萊珀與美國南卡羅萊納大學新聞與大眾傳播學院Gonzales Brothers新聞學講座教授魏然進行。

We are happy to inform you that the 38th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

Launched in December 2006, Communication & Society will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. During the past 10 years, the journal has established a solid reputation as a leading Chinese-language journal in journalism and communication. In 2013, the journal was accepted into the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI). In 2015, the journal was officially designated as the International Communication Association (ICA) Affiliate Journal. It is the first non-English journal in the world listed as an ICA Affiliate Journal.

The current issue features five research articles that examine news coverage, crisis communication and public relations. For the academic dialogue, we invited Professor Mark Lepper to share with us his experiences and insights on hostile media effects. Professor Lepper traced the intellectual roots of the hostile media phenomena and explained how his research on attributional bias and inferential errors led to the theorization of hostile media effects.


We are happy to inform you that the 37th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

The global village is involved in a huge, complex network created by the Internet. As Prof. Barry Wellman argues in the Dialogue, the Internet is not only a kind of technology, but also a way of thinking. Indeed, it is a lifestyle that can change the living and development status of human beings. Five research articles are published on this issue, three of which are directly related to networked individuals and society. The other two are related to television, which is a traditional media industry impacted by the Internet. The dialogue between Prof. Barry Wellman of the University of Toronto and Prof. Jack Qiu of The Chinese University of Hong Kong also highlights this issue. They discuss the relationship between individuals, society and the Internet and share their opinions on the overlap of social network analysis and research on networked society.



我們計劃在2017年推出主題為「傳播科技與新媒體事件」的專刊,歡迎學者針對下列課題進行深入研究: 1. 如何對「傳播科技與新媒體事件」進行比較研究; 2.「新媒體事件」和傳統「媒體事件」的區隔與聯繫; 3.「新媒體事件」的歷史演變; 4. 如何採用新方法完善傳統個案研究設計;5. 不同階層、不同人群對相同議題事件的反應; 6. 不同華人社會之間「新媒體事件」的異同;7. 華人社會和其他地方「新媒體事件」之間的異同。歡迎對此主題有興趣的專家學者構思研究計劃及撰寫論文,投稿到《傳播與社會學刊》。



2.請於2016年8月20日前提交15,000至18,000字左右的中文論文。論文必須包括以下部分:(1)中英文題目、(2)中英文摘要,以及(3)每位作者的姓名、所屬機構、地址、電話和電郵地址。請用電郵發送論文給本刊執行編輯程小姐 (comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk)。
5.如有查詢,歡迎與本刊聯絡。 (電郵:comjournal@cuhk.edu.hk,電話:+852 3943 8709)



We are happy to inform you that the 36th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

In this issue, the “Dialogue” section is dedicated to Professor Hsu Chia-shih, one of the true great journalism educators of the 20th century in Greater China. All the articles in this section were contributed by invitation from the editorial board, and all have one commonality: they pay tribute to the legacy of Professor Hsu. This special issue also brings together a selection of insightful papers that address different aspects of media education. The Communication Forum in this issue reviews the past and present status of political communication research in Hong Kong.

We are happy to inform you that the 35th issue of Communication & Society has been released.

This issue includes seven articles featuring academic discussions and research papers, reflecting the current landscape of social media and communication. It examines the paradigms and definitions of competition between new and old media, the competition of diverse values and their impacts, as well as the significance of various issues within the broader contexts of politics, economics, culture, and social structure. 

The research interests of this issue cover various media forms, including newspapers, magazines, slides, films, the internet, and social media. The time frame spans from the late Qing dynasty and modern China to the 1960s, 70s, and into the 21st century. The context addresses the influences of politics, economics, culture, and social structures, while the topics include ethnicity, immigration, social interactions, gender, and internet censorship. The roles and functions of media and communication encompass information dissemination, construction, virtualization, participation, empowerment, aggregation, and even firewalls.



No.70  2024 October
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