5. 作者修改後重新提交,責任編輯依第一輪評審意見及稿件的修改情況決定:(1)請匿名評審複審,(2)接受,(3)退稿。
Review Process
The Journal follows by the norms of blind reviewing to select articles. In the blind review process, a manuscript that contains no information that identifies the author(s) is sent to the editorial committee for initial screening. If the committee decides to send the manuscript out for review, the editor-in-chief appoints an editor to take charge of the manuscript.
To conduct the blind review, that editor sends the manuscript to at least two anonymous reviewers and then uses their recommendations in deciding whether to accept or reject the manuscript or request to revisions.
All research articles in the Journal must go through rigorous peer review that includes initial editorial screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two reviewers.


No.70  2024 October
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
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