July 2013 |
25 |
研究論文Research Articles |
從「超媒體新聞」文本理論談多媒體技能 教學理論定位及實踐 |
On Hypermedia Digital News: The Theory and Practice of Multimedia Skills |
作者 |
李明哲 |
Author |
Ming-Che LEE |
關鍵詞 |
超文本、超媒體、網路新聞、互文性、多媒體技能 |
Keywords |
hypertexture, hypermedia, online news, intertextuality, multimedia skills |
摘要 |
超文本(hypertexture)是數位文本的重要文本特色。超文本又細分為超文字(hypertext)與超媒體(hypermedia)兩種不同型式的超文本結構,其區分在於超媒體更強調其文本的連結對象是與其他異質性文本元素進行連結,所形成的相互參照作用。本文從西方文本理論視角來說明超媒體文本的「互文性」與新聞文本所要求的「新聞性」之間,所形成的理論困局,並試圖說明此一困局化解的可能。同時以此一視角從新聞實作的教學立場來討論超媒體新聞寫作的教學實踐。 |
Abstract |
It is the aspect of hypertexture that makes digital content different from other traditional forms of content. Generally, hypertexture could be classified into the two following types: hypertext and hypermedia. The format of hypermedia content consists of different media, such as videos, images, voices, and words. This paper focuses on the relations between hypermedia and the newswriting of online news. This paper argues that hypermedia online news is similar to the so-called post-structuralism/deconstruction content, which recognized the impossibility of describing a complete or coherent signifying system since systems are always changing. However, the paper argues that because the news should present its content as clearly as possible, the hypermedia format in online news could bring the value of news into crisis since the meaning of hypermedia online news is often uncertain. How can this problem be resolved? Should we give up on the possibility of writing news within the format of hypermedia? In this paper, Bakhtin's theory of dialogism is introduced as a way to solve this problem. It was Julia Kristeva who used Bakhtin's theory of dialogism as an example to establish the importance of intertextuality in the realm of literary theory. However, this paper contends that the concept of intertextuality inherent in Bakhtin's dialogism is diffident to that of Kristeva. The function of intertextuality in Bakhtin's dialogism could bring the intertextual content into recognized meaning by the audience. From this perspective, the format of hypermedia could be applied to the writing of multimedia news.
李明哲(2013)。〈從「超媒體新聞」文本理論談多媒體技能教學理論定位及實踐〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第25 期,頁173–206。
Citation of this article:
Lee, M. C. (2013). On hypermedia digital news: The theory and practice of multimedia skills. Communication & Society, 25, 173–206.
No.69 2024 July |
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