July  2013 25
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
數位時代的弱勢傳播權— 原住民公民新聞WATTA個案研究
Minority Communication Rights in the Digital Age: A Case Study of the Taiwanese Indigenous Citizen Journalism Platform WATTA
作者 洪貞玲
Author Chen-Ling HUNG
關鍵詞 公民新聞、原住民、專職-業餘協作新聞模式、傳播權、語言 霸權
Keywords citizen journalism, communication rights, indigene, linguistic hegemony, pro-am journalism
摘要 網路媒介興起、公民記者的出現,挑戰傳統新聞機構獨攬言論霸權的地位,也使得弱勢族群有發聲倡議的機會。本研究以台灣第一個原住民公民新聞平台WATTA為研究對象,分析這個獨特的族群新聞平台是如何營運的?它提供了什麼資訊?是否有效促成原住民的參與、發聲?立基於傳播權、族群媒體以及公民新聞三個理論概念,本研究透過內容分析、深度訪談等方法進行個案研究,回答三個研究問題:原住民電視台如何經營WATTA平台?WATTA平台的公民記者參與情形為何?WATTA平台的公民新聞有何特色? 研究發現如下;(一)原民台運用公廣集團資源建立新聞平台,鼓勵並培訓原住民數位技能及報導新聞,建構一個具族群特色的專職-業餘協作新聞模式(pro-am Journalism)。(二)WATTA平台公民記者多數為原住民,彰顯原住民自主發聲的權利,然而這些公民記者的族群及地區代表性並不均等,參與程度亦有很大落差。(三)WATTA公民新聞內容多元、報導形式多樣化,也彰顯原住民關心社區公共事務的正向價值。然而,漢語與族語交互使用的形式,顯示漢語霸權的影響,以及族群媒體在語言復振的困境與因應策略。
Abstract On July 1, 2000, Taiwan Indigenous TV initiated a citizen journalism platform known as “WEB ACCESS TO TRIBAL ACTIONS” (WATTA). This platform was designed for island-wide indigenous people to transmit and publicize their information and news stories. WATTA is worthy of our attention as it helps indigenous people to raise their voices and enhances their communication rights. Therefore, this project takes WATTA as a case study to examine the implications of citizen journalism for ethnic minorities' communication rights and the problem of the digital divide. This project proposes the following three core questions: What measures does Taiwan Indigenous TV take to manage the WATTA platform? How do indigenous citizen reporters participate in this platform? What are the features and patterns of news reports on WATTA? This project employs both content analysis and face-to-face interviews to answer these questions. Through these methods, this article examines the practice of indigenous communication rights in our modern information society and uncovers the affective strategies of participation. Hence, this research provides insights and suggestions for promoting citizen journalism and enhancing the communication rights of disadvantaged people.


洪貞玲(2013)。〈數位時代的弱勢傳播權—— 原住民公民新聞WATTA個案研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第25 期,頁135–171。

Citation of this article:

Hung, C. L. (2013). Minority communication rights in the digital age: A case study of the Taiwanese indigenous citizen journalism platform WATTA. Communication & Society, 25, 135–171.
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