July 2013 |
25 |
專輯論文Special Issue Articles |
微博傳播和中國新聞業的「認知權威」:以 溫州動車事故為例 |
Weibo Communication and the Epistemic Authority of Chinese Journalism: A Case Study of the 2011 Wenzhou High-speed Train Incident |
作者 |
童靜蓉 |
Author |
Jingrong TONG |
關鍵詞 |
新聞業的「認知權威」、微博傳播、中國、動車事故、客觀性 |
Keywords |
the epistemic authority of journalism, Weibo communication, China, Wenzhou High-speed Incident, objectivity |
摘要 |
新聞業的「認知權威」是指新聞業有權力和能力來決定傳遞何種資訊以及如何解釋現實。根據對2011年溫州動車事故發生期間的微博以及對這起事故進行報導的大陸報紙文本的分析,本文討論微博上關於此事故的傳播是否(以及如何)對現實中「發生了什麼」進行解釋,這種解釋是否影響新聞業對現實的闡述,而同時,新聞業如何通過建構對現實的解釋,來維護其權威。本文認為:在發佈事故的初步資訊和提出對事故的有關疑問上,微博傳播起到引領的作用,並在一定程度上影響報紙報導的議程設置。但是,比較完整而權威的詮釋依舊是報紙所提供。被分析的兩份報紙將網路言論和行為當做是和線下世界裡發生的事情一樣的消息來源,根據各自的操作規則和價值觀進行篩選,在其報導中,使用不同的策略來建構一種形象來表明他們能夠對現實進行真實客觀可信的闡述,以此維護其「認知權威」。而在這個過程中,傳統新聞記者也對新聞工作和新聞的概念進行了反思,下意識地做出反思性的調整。 |
Abstract |
Journalism needs to develop and maintain an epistemic authority in interpreting reality and deciding what information should be transmitted to readers. In doing so, journalism defends its legitimacy. This paper is drawn from an analysis of Weibo messages and newspaper coverage of the Wenzhou High-speed Train Incident in 2011. Qualitative interviews with journalists offer some supplementary explanations regarding what was found in the analysis. This paper has two aims. The first is to discuss both whether and to what extent Weibo messages about this incident have explained “what happened/is happening” in reality. The second is to assess how Chinese journalism has endeavored to defend its epistemic authority through constructing a narrative of reality. This study reveals that Weibo communication has advantages in releasing initial information about the incident and in facilitating netizens' efforts to hold the government accountable. As a result, Weibo communication has influenced newspaper agendas to a certain degree. However, a fuller interpretation of reality is still offered by newspapers. Weibo messages are merely treated as one type of news source. According to their respective reporting paradigms and news values, the two newspapers analyzed in this study have selected and incorporated Weibo messages into their conventional news reporting. They have adopted different strategies in establishing an image of being able to provide credible and objective narratives of reality. These provide evidence of defending the epistemic authority of journalism. The whole process suggests that journalists constantly reflect on their own work and the concept of news and make adjustments accordingly.
童靜蓉(2013)。〈微博傳播和中國新聞業的「認知權威」:以溫州動車事故為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第25 期,頁73–101。
Citation of this article:
Tong, J. R. (2013). Weibo communication and the epistemic authority of Chinese journalism: A case study of the 2011 Wenzhou high-speed train incident. Communication & Society, 25, 73–101.
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