July  2013 25
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
從「後台」到「前台」:新媒體技術環境下 新聞業的「可視化」
From Backstage to Frontstage: The Visualization of Journalism in the New Media Environment
作者 周葆華
Author Baohua ZHOU
關鍵詞 前台、後台、新媒體、可視化、新聞生產、博客、微博
Keywords frontstage, backstage, new media, visualization, news production, blog, microblog
摘要 本文引用戈夫曼和梅洛維茨闡述的「前台」與「後台」概念及相關理論,將新媒體重構新聞業的過程定義為從「後台」到「前台」的邊界移動與場景轉換過程。這一過程體現於新聞生產、新聞文本、新聞從業者、新聞話語與新聞機構五個層面,是政治、經濟、社會、文化與技術共同型塑的結果。它對新聞專業主義的基本規範構成挑戰,並對新聞業權威產生「祛魅」效應;但同時由於重構新聞業與政治控制之間的權力關係,它也構成新聞專業主義和新聞業權威發展的契機。它重構新聞業與受眾之間的關係,為公眾批判性的媒介知識積累和媒介參與行動提供平台,同時也構成新聞從業者「成名想象」的新空間。從「後台」到「前台」的「可視化」過程因此是重新定義新聞與新聞工作、打破常規與訂定新範式的過程,這一過程開放出諸多的新聞研究新空間。
Abstract Inspired by Erving Goffman's classic concepts of “backstage” and “frontstage” as well as Joshua Meyrowitz's “medium theory”, this paper analyzes the increasing visualization of journalism in the new media environment. It argues that the rise of new media, especially social media, exposes journalism – including the news production process, “liquid” news texts, news discourses, organizational practices, and journalists themselves – to unprecedented public scrutiny. It discusses the technological, political, social, cultural, and economic mechanisms behind the visualization process and the implications for journalistic professionalism, journalistic authority, and journalistic aspirations. On the one hand, the visualization of journalism challenges some basic norms of journalistic professionalism and journalistic authority; on the other hand, it helps to construct journalistic authority and facilitates the development of journalistic professionalism since it reconfigures the relationship between journalism and political control. It also reconfigures the relationship between professional journalists and their audience (amateur journalists). In this sense, it constitutes a platform for the audience to access media knowledge and engage in media production, and for journalists to imagine their professional fame. The visualization of journalism from “backstage” and “frontstage” is thus a process of redefining news, news work, and journalistic paradigms, a process which opens a new space for the study of journalism.


周葆華(2013)。〈從「後台」到「前台」:新媒體技術環境下新聞業的「可視化」〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第25 期,頁35–71。

Citation of this article:

Zhou, B. H. (2013). From backstage to frontstage: The visualization of journalism in the new media environment. Communication & Society, 25, 35–71.
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