July  2013 25
The Continual Transformation of Online News in the Digital Age
作者 對談人:柏保路.博奇科夫斯基(Pablo J. Boczkowski)、李立峯 統 稿:李立峯 翻 譯:崔迪
Author Discussants: Pablo J. BOCZKOWSKI, Francis L. F. LEE Editor: Francis L. F. LEE Translator: Di CUI
摘要 「綜合起來,這些現象都體現了社會情境持續可視化的趨勢,也包括新聞機構之間相互監視模仿的日益加強。而這也可能加劇新聞專業價值和市場價值之間的衝突,即是說,個體記者可能會更瞭解到什麼樣的新聞更走俏,但同時明白該些新聞並不符合傳統意義上的新聞價值,結果就是他們可能會經歷更多更強烈的衝突,到底該堅守傳統的價值,還是迎合他們所看到的市場期待與價值。無論如何,我們身處時代不同社會場域的可見性愈來愈高,這很有可能影響到我們如何理解網絡新聞和數位文化。」
Abstract Professor Pablo J. Boczkowski shares in this Dialogue his insights and observations derived from more than a decade of research on the impact of digitization on the journalism landscape. He explains the continual relevance of the key concepts and findings from his earliest research to the contemporary media environment and at the same time introduces his most recent research findings and observations about the “news gap”. Professor Boczkowski summarizes the main trends in the transformation of online news in the digital age, and he points out that the increasing visibility of various social fields constitutes a trend that can have tremendous implications on not only journalism but also on social change at large.


李立峯( 編) (2013)。〈數位化時代網絡新聞的持續演變〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第25 期,頁1–26。

Citation of this article:

Lee, F. L. F. (Ed.). (2013). The continual transformation of online news in the digital age. Communication & Society, 25, 1–26.
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