April 2013 |
24 |
研究論文Research Articles |
地方媒介體系:一種都市抗爭的政治資源 |
Exploring Local Media Systems in China: An Important Political Resource for Urban Contention |
作者 |
曾繁旭、黃廣生 |
Author |
Fanxu ZENG, Guangsheng HUANG |
關鍵詞 |
地方媒介體系、社會運動、媒體人社會網路、輿論場 |
Keywords |
local media system, urban contention, journalist network, arenas of public opinion |
摘要 |
在以往媒體和社會運動關係的研究中,鮮有將地方媒介體系作為分析單元,因此無法解釋不同地方的媒介體系在當地社會運動中表現的落差,更無法揭示地方媒介體系與社會運動目標達成之間的關聯。本文以中國都市維權事件為例,從社會網路的理論視角出發,對地方媒介體系中出現的特殊新聞生產機制進行帶有理論指向的描述。它揭示出地方媒介體系在本地、國內和國際三個輿論場為社會運動提供支援的動態運作過程。本研究認為,一個相對成熟的地方媒介體系,往往可能形成在一定程度上能够與行政權力進行談判和協商的新聞生產機制,策略地運用本地、國內和國際三個輿論場,從而弱化行政權力對地方媒體的行政管治,為本地的社會運動拓展輿論空間。形構中的地方媒介體系,往往分享一套有別於主流宣傳部門的專業操作規範、理念和文化,並且透過各種媒體人的關係網絡得到反覆強化,可能促進媒體行業內部自治的發展。在我們看來,這是中國媒體公共性成長的一個重要邏輯。 |
Abstract |
In China, the media in different regions have formed different local media systems sharing different media cultures and news operation standards. These local media systems have become a very important political resource for urban contention and have shaped the latter. Previous literature about the relationship between media and social protests ignore the local media system as an important variable. Using case studies, content analysis, and in-depth interviews as research methods, this paper draws upon the theory of social network to describe the special news production mechanism in Guangzhou during urban contention. The research finds that in a well-developed local media system, different local media organizations share similar media cultures and news operation standards, which urge them to compete with and learn from each other, and to actively mobilize their social connections with media organizations and journalists nationwide and worldwide to report on the local protests. By doing so, the local media system has successfully made local urban contention a hot issue in the different arenas of public opinion including local, national, and international, thus avoiding the local government’s propaganda censorship. One argument put forward in this paper is that the local media systems have become a very important political resource for urban contention in China, which influences the outcomes of urban contention. Also, in the process of interacting with urban contention, the local media systems enhance their publicness and autonomy from local control.
曾繁旭、黃廣生(2013)。〈地方媒介體系:一種都市抗爭的政治資源〉。《傳播與社會學刊》第24 期,頁119–154。
Citation of this article:
Zeng, F. X. & Huang, G. S. (2013). Exploring local media systems in China: An important political resource for urban contention. Communication & Society, 24, 119–154.
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