April  2013 24
研究論文Research Articles
大陸、香港、台灣電視新聞主播可信度的 比較研究
A Comparative Study of Television News Anchors’ Credibility in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
作者 羅文輝、孔艷穎、黃素軒、劉暢、高鹿洋子、樊菲菲
Author Ven-Hwei LO, Yanying KONG, Iris WONG, Sophia LIU, Luyangzi GAO, Feifei FAN
關鍵詞 電視新聞主播、新聞可信度、電視新聞、媒介使用、對政府 的支持度
Keywords television news anchor, news credibility, television news, media use, support for government
摘要 本文的主要研究目的在比較大陸、香港和台灣電視新聞主播的可信度,並探討影響三地主播可信度的因素。本研究採用問卷調查法,在上海、香港和台北共訪問了537位新聞傳播專業的大學生。調查結果發現,大陸、香港、台灣的新聞傳播專業學生對主播可信度的評價有顯著差異。香港主播的可信度最高,大陸次之,台灣最低。在預測主播的可信度方面,本研究發現無論是大陸、香港或台灣,電視新聞可信度都是預測主播可信度的最顯著變項。此外,媒介使用和對政府的支持度對香港及大陸主播的可信度沒有預測力,但對台灣主播卻有顯著的預測力。本研究的這些發現有助於瞭解不同地區影響主播可信度的因素,對擴展新聞及可信度理論有所貢獻。
Abstract This study examines the credibility of TV news anchors in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan and explores factors influencing their credibility. Three parallel surveys of 537 college students in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taipei show that anchors in Hong Kong have the highest credibility, followed by those in mainland China and Taiwan. The results of this study indicate that TV news credibility is the best predictor of the credibility of news anchors. Both media use and support for government are not significantly related to the credibility of anchors in mainland China and Hong Kong, but these two variables are significant predictors of the credibility of anchors in Taiwan. These findings help us understand how different factors affect the credibility of anchors in different regions, thus contributing to the research on media credibility in the contemporary media environment.


羅文輝、孔艷穎、黃素軒、劉暢、高鹿洋子、樊菲菲(2013)。〈大陸、香港、台灣電視新聞主播可信度的比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第24 期,頁93–118。

Citation of this article:

Lo, V. H., Kong, Y. Y., Wong, I., Liu, S., Gao, L. Y. Z., Fan, F. F. (2013). A comparative study of television news anchors’ credibility in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Communication & Society, 24, 93–118.
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