April  2013 24
研究論文Research Articles
社會變遷、媒體互動,以及電台聽眾參與 節目在香港的演變
Social Transformation, Media Interactions, and the Historical Development of Audience Participation Radio Talk Shows in Hong Kong
作者 李立峯、鄧鍵一
Author Francis L. F. LEE, Gary TANG
關鍵詞 電台聽眾參與節目、社會變遷、媒體互動、民意政治、歷史 分析
Keywords radio talk shows, social change, media interactions, public opinion, historical analysis
摘要 在香港,容許聽眾打電話到電台,就公共事務進行討論的聽眾參與節目(audience participation talk show)已有數十年的歷史。在1997 年主權移交前後,這類型節目更成為香港大眾媒介中的一個亮點,對社會輿論產生一定的影響。但從六十年代後期到現在,這類型節目在不同時期的香港社會其實扮演著頗不一樣的角色。本文旨在回顧電台聽眾參與節目在香港的發展。在理論層面,本文建構一個強調媒介與社會變遷、媒介與政治行動者、不同媒體之間,以至同類型媒體之間多重互動的分析框架,探討媒體發展和社會政治變遷之間的關係。我們的分析將聽眾參與節目在香港的發展分為四個階段。這些節目先以制度化的官民溝通渠道出現,繼而轉化為公共討論平台,再於回歸前後成為了批判和監察功能特別顯著的「烽煙節目」。但在近年,聽眾參與節目的批判性減低,一些作為官員「問責表演」平台的節目變為較受關注。這些演變跟香港的政治和社會變遷息息相關。但在每一階段,發揮影響的力量並不一樣。媒體演變可以直接由宏觀變遷導致,但也可以由個別媒體的出現和媒體間的互動「由下而上」地推動。
Abstract In Hong Kong, audience participation radio talk shows on public affairs have existed for decades. Historically, such shows have played different social and political roles in the city. This article reviews the historical development of audience participation radio talk shows. More importantly, it constructs a “multilevel interaction model” as a theoretical framework to analyze the relationships between macro-level socio-political change and the development of a specific media type. The model considers the relationships and interactions between the following: 1) media and social political structures, 2) media and other social and political actors, 3) different types of media, and 4) different media outlets of the same type. Our analysis shows that audience participation shows emerged as an institution for official-citizen communication. They then mutated into a public forum in the 1980s, and then became a watchdog medium with significant monitoring and critical functions in the late 1990s. After 2004, the criticalness of audience participation talk shows declined. The more prominent radio shows often serve as platforms for government officials’ “accountability performance.” We also contend that, at different stages, the transformation of audience participation radio talk shows can begin at different levels. Sometimes transformation begins with macro-level changes, but it can also be driven by more micro-level dynamics.


李立峯、鄧鍵一(2013)。〈社會變遷、媒體互動,以及電台聽眾參與節目在香港的演變〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第24 期,頁23–60。

Citation of this article:

Lee, F. L. F., Tang, G. (2013). Social transformation, media interactions, and the historical development of audience participation radio talk shows in Hong Kong. Communication & Society, 24, 23-60.
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