April 2013 |
24 |
學術對談Dialogue |
媒介系統比較研究 |
Comparing Media System |
作者 |
對談人:丹尼爾.哈林(Daniel Hallin)、陳韜文 統 稿:陳韜文 翻 譯:梁靖雯 |
Author |
Discussants: Daniel HALLIN, Joseph M. CHAN Editor: Joseph M. CHAN Translator: Jingwen LIANG |
摘要 |
「我們的新書《超越西方世界的媒介系統比較》的作者們用有力的案例證明了世界媒介系統的多樣性,同時也指出了西方媒介的實踐和機構已被引入世界其他系統,並且為了和其他系統的脈絡相適應而被改造。這才是我們期望發生的:比較研究的整體理念在於緊貼脈絡,而非僅假定媒介機構和實踐在何處都是相同的。毫無疑問,我們相信,雜交,而非融合,更有可能成為全球交流的結果。」 |
Abstract |
Daniel Hallin, the coauthor of Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics, in response to a question on the generalizability of the models identified in the book, maintains they are not intended to be universal. Rather, they are abstracted from specific contexts in various European and American countries. For him, the key to comparative study is contextualization. He advises comparative communication researchers to treat the concepts in the book as reference points and to formulate frameworks based on the context they are studying. On the choice between small-N and large-N studies in comparative studies, Hallin observes that the state of comparative communication research has not reached the point where fruitful statistical studies can be done. On the contrary, the small-N case study approach can generate the deep understanding of media systems that the field badly needs. When asked how the Chinese media system may fit the models he has identified in his book, Hallin argues that China should be conceptualized on its own because of its special logic. However, he argues that the comparative dimensions he used in his analysis—the structure of media markets, the role of the State, the forms of “political parallelism” and journalistic professionalism— may have their equivalents in China and elsewhere, and they should be analytically relevant. To Hallin, the days are over when anyone could study a single national media system in isolation; comparative communication research has come of age in this globalizing world.
陳韜文(編)(2013)。〈媒介系統比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第24 期,頁1–22。
Citation of this article:
Chan, J. M. (Ed.). (2013). Comparing media system. Communication & Society, 24, 1–22.
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