July 2012 |
21 |
專輯論文Special Issue Articles |
跨國公共領域: 大屏幕和美學的大都會主義 |
The Stoa, Large Screens, and Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism |
作者 |
Author |
關鍵詞 |
公共空間、大都會主義、當代藝術、對話 |
Keywords |
public space, cosmopolitanism, contemporary art, dialogue |
摘要 |
無論是在古代還是現代,柱廊和大屏幕都被認為是大都會主義的象徵。大都會主義是世界的產物,也是全球公民的理想形式。「我是一個世界公民。」這句話首先由蘇格拉底使用,而後又被犬儒主義者和斯多噶派學者引用並奉為中心思想。縱觀歷史,大都會主義始終關注存在的核心和廣泛的歸屬感。本文的主要目的是援引當代藝術實踐的重要事例,探討當代藝術家發展出的干預場域,並重建新的大都會對話形式。希望透過美學大都會主義的概念,更清晰地理解批判想像在當代的表現。 |
Abstract |
The stoa and the large screen are taken in this essay as ancient and contemporary topoi for cosmopolitan encounters. Cosmopolitanism is the product of an idea of the world and an ideal form of global citizenship. Everyone who is committed to it recalls the phrase first used by Socrates and then adopted as a motif by the Cynics and the Stoics: “I am a citizen of the world.” Indeed, the etymology of the word and its theory appear to be in wondrous symmetry. Throughout history, cosmopolitanism has continuously surfaced as a concept that addresses the meaning of the subject at both the core of being and the widest spheres of belonging. It can be traced back to the mythological fascination with the abyss of the void and the infinite cosmos, as well as the recurring in the philosophical debates about the relationship between individual freedom and universal rights. I will argue that the need to give form—to make a world—out of these extremities is a persistent feature of critical imagination and that its contemporary manifestations are more clearly grasped through the concept of aesthetic cosmopolitanism. This general claim about aesthetic cosmopolitanism is grounded in the observation of the current tendencies to generate a dialogue between global issues and local experiences in contemporary art, and is subsequently developed through a reframing of the debates over the function of the imagination within aesthetics and politics. At the heart of this essay are key examples of artistic practices that explore the issues of belonging, hospitality and cosmopolitanism. The essay seeks to explore the sites of intervention developed by contemporary artists and the potential for restaging new forms of cosmopolitan dialogues.
Papastergiadis, N. (2012)。〈跨國公共領域:大屏幕和美學的大都會主義〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第21 期,頁129–150。
Citation of this article:
Papastergiadis, N. (2012). The Stoa, Large Screens, and Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism. Communication & Society, 21, 129–150.
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