July  2012 21
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
南韓和澳洲之間的 都市屏幕及跨文化消費
Urban Screens and Transcultural Consumption between South Korea and Australia
作者 Audrey YUE, Sun JUNG
Author Audrey YUE, Sun JUNG
關鍵詞 大屏幕、跨文化消費、南韓、澳洲、都市再生、媒體與文化 政策
Keywords large screens, transcultural consumption, South Korea, Australia, urban regeneration, media and cultural policy
摘要 本文探討都市屏幕作為媒介融合和跨文化消費平台的角色。就兩個分別在墨爾本(澳洲)和松島(南韓仁川)的案例,本文描述這些大屏幕如何顯現出文化規劃和城市更新帶出的科技創新。此外,根據觀眾接收及文化參與的研究,本文從一個批判性的角度去考究這些日漸普遍的大屏幕如何促進文化公民身份及跨文化消費。本文認為都市大屏幕是媒體景觀(mediascapes)、社會歸屬感和跨文化身份的新接觸區域。
Abstract This article examines urban screens as sites of media convergence and transcultural consumption. Using two case studies in Melbourne (Australia) and Songdo (Incheon, South Korea), this article considers how these screens have emerged through technological innovations led by cultural planning and urban regeneration. Furthermore, using audience reception and cultural participation studies, this article critically examines the augmentation of these spaces as sites for cultural citizenship and transcultural consumption. Urban screens, this article argues, are new contact zones of mediascapes, social belonging, and transcultural identities.


Yue, A & Jung, S. (2012).〈難韓和澳洲之間的都市屏幕及文化消費〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第21 期,頁51–78。

Citation of this article:

Yue, A. & Jung, S. (2012). Urban Screens and Transcultural Consumption between South Korea and Australia. Communication & Society, 21, 51–78.
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