July  2012 21
Emerging Screen Culture Studies
作者 對談人:裴開瑞(Chris Berry)、馮應謙、陳錦榮 統 稿 :馮應謙、陳錦榮 翻 譯 :鄺芯妍
Author Discussants: Chris BERRY, Anthony Y. H, FUNG, John Nguyet ERNI Editor: Anthony Y. H. FUNG, John Nguyet ERNI Translator: Sum-Yin KWONG
摘要 「我認為在這個時代,左派的舊政治模式似乎無法找到立足點,與此同時人們意識到新自由主義的資本主義出現危機(或是比危機更甚)。有鑒於此,文化研究須融入哲學和批判理論視角,闡釋正義、自由等在今天的意義,探索權力在新自由主義建構的世界下如何運作,以及何種實踐力圖促進正義、自由等理念。」
Abstract Professor Chris Berry, a leading scholar in Film, Television and Cultural Studies in this dialogue shares his views on Chinese cinema studies and a new line of research-screen culture and its future development. Emphasizing its uniqueness and importance in the Asian context, he explicates how and why this emerging screen culture has become part of the everyday life. He mentions the methodological challenges of engaging in this fluid and ever-changing public screen culture research. He also illustrates the potentially comprehensive applications and practical implications of insights generated from the study of public screen cultures.


馮應謙(編)(2012)。〈城市屏幕文化:文化研究新領域〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第21 期,頁1–16。城市屏幕文化:文化研究新領域

Citation of this article:

Fung, A. Y. H. (Ed). (2012). Emerging Screen Culture Studies. Communication & Society, 21, 1–16
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