April  2012 20
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Toward a Chi/Qi Theory of Communication: An East-West Dialogue
作者 鍾振昇、何美惠
Author Jensen CHUNG, May HO
關鍵詞 氣、勢、傳通、傳播、溝通、傳播理論、辯證
Keywords chi, shih, chi communication theory, dialectics, energy flow
摘要 「氣」的傳播溝通(傳通)理論剛萌芽不久,是個由中國的老哲學導引出來的新理論。本文以氣的哲學為背景,提出氣理論的基本原則和氣傳通的假設各八項,以作為氣的傳通理論基礎。文中指出,陰陽構勢而造成「能」的流通,即成氣。傳通行為可調節陰陽的差距,造成激烈或溫和之氣,促進傳通效果。本文以此新理論為基礎,與相關的三個西方傳通理論─系統理論、共振理論和關係辯證理論─進行對話,並指出氣的傳通理論優於這三項理論之處。
Abstract The theory of “chi communication” is an emerging theory built on an old Chinese philosophy. It is based on the concept of yin-yang dualism stemming from principles of I-Ching (also spelled as Yi Jing), The Book of Change. This paper advances the theory by putting forward eight basic principles of chi theory and making eight corresponding assumptions. To explore what the new theory can contribute to communication studies, this study compares the theory with three relevant Western communication theories. Employing Lao Tze’s tenet in Dao De Jing, chi is defined as perceived vital energy resulting from the interplay between opposite yin and yang attributes. The chi of communication is the perceived vitality resulting from interplays between opposites in communication elements. The characteristics of yin and yang in messages constitute a shih, propensity or a strategic advantage. Communication can facilitate the shih by adjusting the distance between yin and yang to generate either a drastic chi or a mild chi depending on the communication purpose. Such an adjustment may boost communication effectivity.

Resting on the chi philosophy, eight basic principles of chi theory are proposed, each followed by a corresponding communication assumption as follows: (1) Communication chi exists in all communication elements, each with yin and yang attributes. (2) In all communication chi, yin chi embraces a potential yang element, its own opposite, and yang chi may also carry yin elements. (3) Altering the difference in the yin-yang difference of the communication chi may change the direction and speed of flow and may influence the extent of chi. (4) Chi and shih in communication are inter-related. (5) In each element of communication chi, the yin and yang attributes may rotate and swap places cyclically upon reaching the ultimate state. (6) Yin and yang chi in communication elements can interplay to produce new generations of chi. (7) Communication chi can be absorbed, transformed, preserved, and dispersed; chi is structured to take a shape and is influential when dispersed. (8) Communication is the process of gathering, dispersing, impacting, changing, and integrating yin chi and yang chi of communication elements.

Unique strengths of the chi theory emerge when the theory is compared to three Western communication theories—system theory, resonance theory, and relational-dialectics theory. The strengths include (1) advancing the yin-yang complementary approach to reach harmony, instead of seeking balance in the tension of confrontation, as suggested in the relational-dialectics theory; (2) emphasizing the socio-emotional or relational aspect of communication instead of merely stressing the task functions; (3) offering the methods of cultivating chi by nurturing one’s own cognitive and emotional sanity; and (4) enhancing message power by employing the “suck,” “duck,” “buck,” and “construct” methods.


鍾振昇、何美惠(2012)。〈邁向氣的傳通理論:西學與漢學的對話〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第20 期,頁151–182。

Citation of this article:

Chung, J. & Ho, M. (2012). Toward a Chi/Qi Theory of Communication: An East-West Dialogue. Communication & Society, 20, 151–182.
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