April  2012 20
研究論文Research Articles
地下電台傳播行為 對台灣高雄地區公民社會影響之研究
Effect of the Communication Behavior of Underground Radio Stations on Civil Society in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
作者 諸葛俊、黃于恬、汪明生
Author Chun CHU-KE, Yu-Tien HUANG, Ming-Shen WANG
關鍵詞 公民社會、公共領域、地下電台、高雄地區
Keywords civil society, Kaohsiung area, public sphere, underground radio station
摘要 地下電台的興起伴隨台灣社會變遷與民主化歷程,其角色功能不斷轉換,以偏差資訊和激情傳播行為造成負面影響,特別是在南台灣。非法的地下電台透過與聽眾的口語交流與情感互動,卻能撫慰特定族群情緒,也扮演媒體近用角色。本研究以案例研究、文本分析及深度訪談切入探討,發現高雄地下電台跨越資訊傳播功能,主導特定族群的生活行為,建構的人際網絡也是地下經濟的重要通路,這些現象更凸顯台灣高雄地區邁向公民社會發展方面的矛盾。
Abstract With the social change and democratization in Taiwan, underground radio stations came into existence. Although their role and function are in constant change, underground radio stations still keep disseminating biased information and avoid taking responsibility, leaving a negative impact on the society, especially in southern Taiwan. With the verbal message delivery and the emotional interaction with audiences, people find themselves relieved and comforted after listening; in other words, illegal underground radio stations may help to console certain groups’ emotions and serve as an access to the media. Our study explored this issue through in-depth interviews, case study, and study text. The function of underground radio stations is not merely limited to information dissemination in Kaohsiung but can dominate the life and behavior of certain groups as well. Moreover, their dynamic underground economy also demonstrates the contradiction in the civil society development in the Kaohsiung area.

諸葛俊、黃于恬、汪明生(2012)。〈地下電台傳播行為對台灣高雄地區公民社會影響之研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第20 期,頁115–150。

Citation of this article:
Chu-Ke, C., Huang, Y. T., & Wang, M. S. (2012). The Study on Influence of Communication Behavior of Underground Radio Stations on Civil Society in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Communication & Society, 20, 115–
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