April  2012 20
研究論文Research Articles
社會運動中的承認政治與話語秩序: 對廈門「散步」事件的媒介文本解讀
The Politics of Recognition and Discourse Order in Social Movement: Media Interpretation of the “Walking” Event in Xiamen
作者 黃月琴
Author Yueqin HUANG
關鍵詞 社會運動、承認政治、話語秩序、意識形態、媒介文本
Keywords social movement, recognition politics, dicourse order, ideology, media text
摘要 社會運動在當下中國是一種非常規邊緣性鬥爭政治,在話語實踐中存在着被多元解讀的張力空間。本文以2007 年廈門反PX「散步」事件為案例,以承認政治理論為視角,來探析這場環境風險運動所包含的話語秩序與再現政治。研究顯示,國內媒介對於「散步」事件的建構出現立場、話語與意識形態的分化和衝突。廈門本地媒介在宣傳機制的作用下,對運動公眾加以遮蔽和貶損。網路媒介則開闢替代性傳播空間,與此針鋒相對,據理力爭。而部分異地傳媒和市場化媒體以策略化的敍事手法,以「公民社會」意識形態的本土想像,消解官方負面的政治標籤話語,再造了運動公眾的主體形象與「散步」行動的意義,形成對支配性意識形態的挑戰,並暫時塑造新的話語秩序。本文認為,廈門「散步」事件及其官方話語論述是「惡承認」和「惡分配」權力關係的綜合體,而公眾行動者以及異地媒體的傳播話語實踐是為「承認」的鬥爭政治,其核心在於對合法性的爭奪、公民權利認同和社會參與公平。
Abstract Social movements in contemporary China are unconventional and marginal political struggles with possibilities and spaces for multiple interpretations in discourse practice. This paper uses the Xiamen’s “walking” event as a case study. From the perspective of theory of political recognition, we discuss the discourse order and politics of representation in this environmental risk movement. Study shows that conflicts and diversities appeared in local media regarding the positions, discourses, and ideologies on the construction of the “walking” event. The local media in Xiamen, in assuming its advocacy role, belittles its objectives and significance. The network media is meant to open up an alternative space tit for tat. Some non-local and market-oriented media used strategic narratives and local imagination of “civil society” to dispel the negative political labels of official discourse and recreate the subject image of public participants and the meaning of the “walking” event. This challenges the dominant ideology and temporarily creates a new order of discourse. This paper points out that Xiamen’s “walking” event and the official discourse are a synthesis of power relations of “bad recognition” and “bad distribution.” The discourse practice of public participants and non-local media is a political struggle for recognition. Its core lies in the struggle for legitimacy, the recognition of civil rights, and equal social participation.


黃月琴(2012)。〈社會運動中的承認政治與話語秩序:對廈門「散步」事件的媒介文本解讀〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第20 期,頁79–114。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y. (2012). The Politics of Recognition and Discourse Order in Social Movement: Media Interpretation of the “Walking” Event in Xiamen. Communication & Society, 20, 79–114.
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