April  2012 20
研究論文Research Articles
知識女工與中國大陸出版集團的 彈性僱傭制度改革
Female Knowledge Workers and the Deployment of the Flexible Employment System in China’s Publishing Conglomerates
作者 曹 晉
Author Jin CAO
關鍵詞 知識女工、出版集團化改革、彈性僱傭制度
Keywords female knowledge worker, the reform of publishing conglomeratization, flexible employment system
摘要 本文採用問卷調查和深入訪談,以及研究者在出版業界的民族志觀察積累的研究方法,透過中國大陸市場經濟圖景中的知識女工(女編輯)的勞動被納入現代化的文化生產市場,卻因出版集團化改革和國家去福利化所重構的等級制度令其勞動力貶值,生活水準停滯不前,低薪、缺乏安全感、不受保護來討論知識女工的弱勢地位如何遭受彈性僱傭和社會性別的制度宰制,以期從多重權力關係的結構性壓制與國家進入全球經濟一體化進程的構連(articulation),來深度理解轉型中國的知識女工問題。
Abstract This paper evaluates Chinese educated female workers by situating them in the context of social transformation and by analyzing the structurally suppressive power relations and the national economic integration into globalization using surveys and in-depth interviews. With an ethnographic approach, this paper also intends to disclose how Chinese educated female workers have been shaped to fit the contemporary market of cultural production, to see how their labor has been devalued, and to understand how their living standards hardly improve. It also highlights the low wages and precarious nature of their jobs, resulting from hierarchical institutionalization in the aftermath of both the conglomeratization in the publishing industries and the budget cut on social welfare by the state. Additionally, this paper argues that the precarious working conditions facing Chinese female knowledge workers are brought about by flexible employment and gender, which keep these educated female workers unprotected and exploited.


曹晉(2012)。〈知識女工與中國大陸出版集團的彈性僱傭制度改革〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第20 期,頁11–40。

Citation of this article:

Cao, J. (2012). Female Knowledge Workers and the Deployment of the Flexible Employment System in China’s Publishing Conglomerates. Communication & Society, 20, 11–40.
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