April  2012 20
創新傳播研究的追尋: 長江學者陳韜文的學術理念
In Pursuit of Creativity in Communication Research
作者 對談人:陳韜文、羅文輝 統 稿:羅文輝
Author Discussants: Joseph M. CHAN, Ven-Hwei LO Editor: Ven-Hwei LO
摘要 「理論創新從何而來?我認為主要是源自對現有理論的綜合、分析和推論。另一同等重要的來源,是我們對現象的觀察和對經驗的反省。從理論出發的取向,需要我們熟悉現有文獻,並對現有研究有所反省;如果能夠從中整理出一個理論的困惑,那創新已經過半。以現象作為出發點的取向所需要的,是我們對現象的概括能力和對理論的連接能力。現實世界變化層出不窮,當中蘊藏着新的概念和社會關係,有待研究者去發掘和整理。是以學者應該相信創新就在田野資料之中,要跟現實保持密切的聯繫。進行研究時,可以考慮讓現象先行,暫時把有關文獻放下,看看自己如何整理出一個模式,再參照文獻,這樣對發揮創意也有好處。」
Abstract Joseph M. Chan, an accomplished scholar and former Chief Editor of Communication & Society, shares his thoughts on the achievements and prospects of the journal. He advocates that the citation index systems of Taiwan, Mainland China, and the U.S. should consider including quality Chinese journals such as Communication & Society. Reflecting on the ways for scholars to excel in communication research, Chan advises that scholars should master the logic of research and theory, focus on a programmatic research, and learn from other social science disciplines. Recognizing that innovation is impossible without researcher’s commitment to creativity, he also talks about how innovation can be brought into each stage of the research process, ranging from the formulation of research questions to report writing. To Chan, comparison is the keystone of social science research. He explains how a researcher can benefit from a comparative perspective and how comparative communication has been coming of age. Chan observes that there is a need for communication theories to localize, modifying themselves in response to different realities. Theorization serves as a link between local research and the global research community. Finally, in his advice for young scholars, Chan suggests that they should focus more on the quality of research, choose topics that are socially relevant, and engage in collaborative researches if such opportunities arise.


羅文輝(2012)。〈創新傳播研究的追尋:長江學者陳韜文的學術理念〉。《傳播與社會學與社會學刊》,第20 期,頁1–10。

Citation of this article:

Lo, V. H. (Ed.). (2012). In Pursuit of Creativity in Communication Research. Communication & Society, 20, 1–10
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