October  2011 18
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Mediated Modernity: A Dialogue between Communication and Social Theories
作者 影像:陳韜文  學術:馬傑偉、張瀟瀟
Author Image: Joseph M. CHAN Text: Kit Wai MA, Xiaoxiao ZHANG
摘要 以圖像為言、視覺為語,展示現代社會與媒體的理論扣連,打開知性反思、美學反思、學術分析與藝術演繹的相互促進。

第一章概括現代社會興起,第二章貫通社會學與傳播學視野,第三章勾連現代社會的文化與意識形態,第四章宏觀勾勒個人化社會結構,第五章寫意超現代社會的輕靈流動,第六章介紹整合人心的媒介事件,第七章從美學反思出發,論述符號經濟,第八章論及網路社會的深遠意義。繼而,我們在第九章提出「媒體現代」(mediated modernity) 理論,總結媒介傳播在現代性的重要位置。
Abstract By connecting cognitive and aesthetic reflexivity, and by bridging academic exploration and creativity, this project, comprised of nine episodes, is an attempt to "visualize" the theoretical dialogue between communication and social theories. The authors chart the trajectory of modernity and examine how individuals and societies are mediated by communication technologies.


陳韜文、馬傑偉、張瀟瀟(2011)。〈媒體現代:傳播學與社會學的對話〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第18 期,頁214–234。

Citation of this article:

Chan, J. M., Ma, K. W. & Zhang X. (2011). Mediated Modernity: A Dialogue between Communication and Social Theories. Communication & Society, 18, 214–234.
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