October  2011 18
研究論文Research Articles
衝突性食品安全事件中的知識之爭與虛擬 空間的話語權—以蒙牛特侖蘇風波的 專家博客為例
The Knowledge Debate in Conflicting Incidents about Food Safety and Discourse Rights in Virtual Space: Taking the Experts’ Blog about the Storm around Mengniu OMP as an Example
作者 張丕萬
Author Pi-wan ZHANG
關鍵詞 社會衝突、社會風險、知識、話語權、博客
Keywords social conflict, social risks, knowledge, discourse rights, blog
摘要 中國食品安全事件既是現代社會風險的反映,也是我國社會轉型期間利益衝突的體現,賦予公眾話語權以此形成輿論壓力是改變中國食品安全的優先選擇之一。本文以蒙牛特侖蘇風波的博客空間為研究對象,運用文本分析和內容分析方法,從風險社會知識爭論和社會衝突的角度對風波過程進行深入描述,探討了風險的知識建構過程,並考察了在博客知識爭論中,專家話語權以何體現,如何生成,其話語權又如何在網民的信任表達中得到實現的過程,在過程考察中發現博客空間是公眾話語表達的重要載體之一。
Abstract China’s food safety incident reflects the risks of modern society, as well as the conflicts of interest that arise during times of transition within societies. One of the priorities for improving China’s food safety is for the public to be given discourse rights, so that people can exert pressure by expressing their opinions. This paper shows how public discourse rights are formed and appear in situations like this where there is conflict of interest.

Taking blog space about the storm around Mengniu OMP as the research object, and using methods of both text and content analysis, this paper describes the process of the storm in detail, from the perspective of the knowledge debates and social conflicts. It also analyzes the risks associated with knowledge argument. According to the study, the argument during this storm involves those who benefit, such as the company, government agency and dairy association, as well as a variety of experts, media and the public. This type of knowledge debate feeds on ignorance, and experts play an extremely important role. This debate is also embodied in the arguments between experts who have scientific knowledge and a public that has social knowledge. Through analyzing the whole process, this paper proves that food safety risks in China result from both the way knowledge develops and the multiple social elements such as the economy, politics and culture.

To analyze blog discourse rights, this paper uses relationship and context to construct a framework, which includes content such as whether an audience exists, its size, if it is listening and believes, and what effect the discourse has. The paper also looks at the level of attention the discourse attracts, its impact and how discourse rights develop. Based on this framework, the study explores the arguments around blog knowledge when experts appear as the core of blog discourse rights. This is shown through the textual structure of the discourse, the content, the attention paid to the discourse, its impact and the trust the public has in the words on the blog. The discourse rights of experts are built through a dynamic process based on reality, independent standing, specialized knowledge, trustworthy content and the attention that traditional media gives them. One of the most important of all these elements is whether the discourse of the experts is trusted. Most common blog owners have very weak, even if potentially strong, discourse rights, reflecting the characteristics of scattering and potentiality. The meaning of common blogs lies in the fact that the trust they inspire mirrors the situation of experts’ discourse rights and of people’s opinions. Blog space provides yet another way to air experts’ discourse, and the realization of discourse rights permits deep exchanges and reasonable expression of opinions, which improves the atmosphere of free discussion and supplies new opportunities for spreading democracy in at-risk societies.


張丕萬(2011)。〈衝突性食品安全事件中的知識之爭與虛擬空間的話語權──以蒙牛特侖蘇風波的專家博客為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第18 期,頁115–155。

Citation of this article:

Zhang, P. W. (2011). The Knowledge Debate in Conflicting Incidents about Food Safety and Discourse Rights in Virtual Space: Taking the Experts’ Blog about the Storm around Mengniu OMP as an Example. Communication & Society, 18, 115–155.
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