July 2011 |
17 |
專輯論文Special Issue Articles |
資訊尋求及品質評價: 以具有美容整形經驗的女性為例 |
Information-Seeking and Information Quality Evaluation: A Study on Females Undergoing Aesthetic Surgery |
作者 |
曾逸仙、盧鴻毅 |
Author |
Athena TSENG, Hung-Yi LU |
關鍵詞 |
美容整形、資訊尋求、資訊可信度、資訊充足度 |
Keywords |
Aesthetic surgery, information-seeking, information credibility, information sufficiency |
摘要 |
本研究針對曾經接受美容整形手術的台灣女性進行深度訪談,以瞭解其資訊尋求行為及對通道與資訊品質的評價。本研究於2008年11月至2009年4月間招募受訪者,最後共訪問15位曾經接受美容整形的女性,受訪者平均年齡為32.1歲(SD = 11.6)。訪談結果發現,朋友與網路是受訪者最常獲取美容整形資訊的管道,其次為醫護人員;值得注意的是,受訪者不會只依賴一種消息管道提供的資訊,她們多採用多管道尋求美容整形資訊。一般被認為最能取信民眾的醫護人員,卻是部分受訪者最不相信的資訊管道之一,原因在於受訪者主觀認為醫護人員往往為了營利,過度推銷,相對影響受訪者對其專業形象的看法。 |
Abstract |
Prior studies regarding aesthetic surgery have given much attention to medical treatments or ideological arguments of body image; scant attention has been paid to information-seeking in relation to aesthetic surgery. This study, therefore, aims to explore information-seeking behavior and information quality evaluation among females experiencing aesthetic surgery. This study interviews Taiwanese females who have undergone aesthetic surgery. Face-to-face interviews were conducted from November 2008 to April 2009 in Taiwan. Finally, 15 Taiwanese females with aesthetic surgery experience were recruited and voluntarily participated in this study. Their average age was 32.1 (SD = 11.6). The findings show that participants tend to obtain information about aesthetic surgery from friends and the internet, followed by medical practitioners (e.g., physicians and nurses). Participants indicate that friends tend to enthusiastically share their experience with them and therefore become one of their credible sources. Additionally, some participants obtain information in relation to aesthetic surgery via the internet because the internet is accessible, interactive, and the like. As to medical practitioners, they are ranked as important information sources among participants, but they are also regarded as one of the less credible sources among various channels. In their minds, participants feel that medical practitioners with expertise over-emphasize the efficacy of aesthetic surgery in order to earn more money. The interviews from this study also show that participants usually get information regarding aesthetic surgery via multiple channels. Seeking sufficient information becomes a vital issue among those who are interested in aesthetic surgery.
曾逸仙、盧鴻毅(2011)。〈資訊尋求及品質評價:以具有美容整形經驗的女性為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第17 期,頁123–164。
Citation of this article:
Tseng, A., & Lu, H. Y. (2011). Information- Seeking and Information Quality Evaluation: A Study on Females Undergoing Aesthetic Surgery. Communication & Society, 17, 123–164.
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