July 2011 |
17 |
學術對談Dialogue |
科際整合與社群導向的健康傳播 |
Int erdi scipl inary and Communi ty-Bas e d Approaches to Health Communication |
作者 |
對談人:Gary Kreps、陳憶寧、陳韜文 統稿:陳憶寧、陳韜文 翻譯:陳憶寧 |
Author |
Discussants: Gary KREPS, Yi-Ning Katherine CHEN, Joseph M. CHAN Editors: Yi-Ning Katherine CHEN, Joseph M. CHAN Translator: Yi-Ning Katherine CHEN |
摘要 |
「對傳播學門和健康傳播研究的領域而言,建構屬於自己的獨特學術認同、發展豐富的理論與研究體系,以及建立可供識別、描繪的學術文獻,是非常重要的。然而,由於傳播對社會組織的各個部分﹙商業、政府、健康關懷、教育、家庭生活等﹚,是個中介的過程,因此傳播本來就是門科際整合的學科。我們還有太多東西必須和其他學科互相學習、交流。」 |
Abstract |
This is an interview with Professor Gary Kreps, a leading scholar in health communication. Professor Kreps shares his views on his approach to studying risk and health, how to choose a good research topic, why health communication is interdisciplinary in nature, and how he sees a community-based approach valuable when studying health communication. He emphasizes the potentiality of e-health in health communication practicum nowadays. He also mentions the importance of collaborating with various research communities in doing complex health communication projects. Despite his demanding research work, he is still involved with servicing the discipline and the general community, as he has been collaborating with Chinese scholars and also providing advice to the Chinese academia.
陳憶寧、陳韜文(編)(2011)。〈科際整合與社群導向的健康傳播〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第17 期,頁1–18。
Citation of this article:
CHEN, Y. N. K., & CHAN, J. M. (Eds.). (2011). Interdisciplinary and Community-Based Approaches to Health Communication. Communication & Society, 17, 1−18.
No.69 2024 July |
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