January  2013 23
研究論文Research Articles
建制內的多元解讀:諜戰劇迷群體、文化表 徵與中國語境──以《暗算》、《潛伏》為例
Established Pluralism Reading: The fandom of Spy Drama, Cultural Representation, and the Chinese Context—A Case Study of the TV Series Plot and Undercover
作者 朱麗麗
Author Lili ZHU
關鍵詞 表徵、語境、建制內的多元解讀、迷群體、接合
Keywords articulation, context, established pluralism reading, fandom, representation
摘要 諜戰劇是中國本土語境特有的一種電視劇類型,諜戰劇的表徵和受眾解讀中潛藏着主流社會意識形態的變遷。一種原本是最契合社會主義國家意識形態框架和表徵秩序的類型劇,在紅色歷史的包裝下,沉澱了當前這個時代最新的思潮變動和文化認同。研究者選取《暗算》《潛伏》作為研究文本,以文本分析和話語分析相結合的方法,分析諜戰劇中的文本表徵,以及網絡迷群體在接受和解讀諜戰劇過程中的文本再生產表徵。研究者認為:諜戰劇的文本表徵和迷群體的二級文本構建,將特定語境中的文本符號經過意識形態祛除、語境接合、情感遊戲、建制認同等多種方式轉化成現實語境更為接受的文化表徵,從而促成文本的廣泛傳播。研究者認為,這是一種建制內的多元解讀。建制制約解讀的整體經脈,但反抗或戲謔的多元方式,是諜戰劇的生產方和受眾合力在體制縫隙中表達民間意識的結果。
Abstract Spy Drama, a type of television series in mainland China, symbolizes not only socialist state ideology and “red history,” but also current trends and recent changes of cultural identity in present-day China. As one of the genres of red culture in mainland China, the ideological representation in Spy Drama deeply reflects the context of the region.

Drawing on theoretical concepts of articulation, hybridization, and cultural context, this study aims to analyze the changes of context, including political, economic, and cultural changes in mainland China. We address the following questions: (1) What ideology underpins the textual representation of Spy Drama? (2) How does the network fandom of Spy Drama read the text and reproduce the text? (3) What do the reading methods of the network fandom show? (4) How can the representations of network fandom be understood in the context of present-day China?

Using textual analysis and discourse analysis, this paper studies the representation of history, audience’s acceptance of this portrayal, and textual reproduction of two Chinese TV series, Plot and Undercover. The study sample of fandom was obtained from Sina Online and Douban Online, two well-known portal websites in mainland China. According to the findings from the study, most people use reading methods such as the removal of ideology, contextual articulation, emotional gaming, and the establishment of identity. These reading methods reveal that the network fandom in mainland China has new ways of representing civil consciousness in the context of the official establishment. These reading methods can be regarded as “established pluralism reading. ” The producers, as well as the audience of Spy Drama, still show civil awareness under the restriction of the official establishment.

The paper concludes that Spy Drama is a particular type of hybridization of TV series, especially in present-day China. The packaging of the official establishment and red culture allow it to communicate with a broad audience and to garner widespread acceptance. However, the text of the TV series also contains hidden and subtle elements that, combined with the reproduction of fandom, reflect deep changes of cultural identity in present-day China.



Citation of this article:

Zhu, L. (2013). Established pluralism reading: The fandom of Spy Drama, cultural representation and the Chinese context—A case study of the TV series Plot and Undercover. Communication & Society, 23, 143–176.
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