January 2013 |
23 |
專輯論文Special Issue Articles |
中國傳播期刊知識生產的依附性: 意識形態、機構利益與社會關係的制約 |
Constraints on Knowledge Production in China’s Communication Journals: Ideology, Institutional Interests, and Social Guanxi |
作者 |
李紅濤 |
Author |
Hongtao LI |
關鍵詞 |
傳播期刊、場域自主性、單位體制、特殊主義、依附性知識 生產 |
Keywords |
communication journals, academic autonomy, danwei system, particularism, dependent knowledge production |
摘要 |
借助布爾迪厄的有限文化生產場域概念,本文探討學術場域內外的各種力量如何制約中國傳播期刊的知識生產。傳播期刊運作於單位體制之內,其自主性空間受到內外力量的雙重擠壓。在場域外部,受制於政治意識形態,期刊展開理論宣傳與自我審查。期刊亦受制於經濟考量,通過尋租活動建立補償網絡。在場域內部,期刊把關受到機構利益及社會關係的影響,導向特殊主義的實踐。概言之,期刊場域的低度自主,體現出依附性知識生產的邏輯。 |
Abstract |
Drawing upon Bourdieu’s theoretical concept of a “restricted field of cultural production,” this article aims to explore constraints on knowledge production in China’s communication journals. Chinese academic journals operate within the orbit of the danwei system. The autonomy of the publishing field is undermined both by exogenous and endogenous factors. On the one hand, journals are vulnerable to economic and political concerns. Theoretical propaganda and selfcensorship in the editorial room ensure political correctness, while rent-seeking activities establish a “web of subsidies” for underfunded journals. On the other hand, the danwei affiliation and the monopolization of editorial power create various opportunities for the operation of social guanxi and lead to a multi-layer particularism. This state of field autonomy manifests the logic of dependency, in which the state plays a vital role.
李紅濤(2013)。〈中國傳播期刊知識生產的依附性:意識形態、機構利益與社會關係的制約〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第23 期,頁81–112。
Citation of this article:
Li, H. (2013). Constraints on knowledge production in China’s communication journals: Ideology, institutional interests, and social guanxi. Communication & Society, 23, 81–112.
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